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A Conference of Tibetan Buddhist Centres in Australia Held in Sydney

mardi 28 mars 2023 par Staff Reporter
Sydney: Around 100 representatives, teachers and practitioners from various Tibetan Buddhist Centres in Australia participated in the conference of Tibetan Buddhist Centres held on 26 March at Aerial Function Centre, University of Technology, Sydney (UTS). The conference, first of its kind held (...)

Tibet Awareness Programme Held Jointly by Four Tibetan Settlements of Sirmour District and Indo Tibetan Friendship Society

mardi 28 mars 2023 par Staff Reporter
Paonta: Tibetan Settlements in Sirmour District of Himachal Pradesh, namely Paonta Choesum, Sakya Puruwala, Kham Kathok Sataun, Gapa Tibetan Settlement Kamrao, and the Indo Tibetan Friendship Society of Sirmour District, have jointly organised “The Tibet Awareness Program 2023” at Paonta Sahib’s (...)

First Rabi Ray Memorial Lecture and Rabi Ray Award Ceremony Held in New Delhi

lundi 27 mars 2023 par Staff Reporter
New Delhi: India Tibet Friendship Society (ITFS) in collaboration with Lohia Academy, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha organised the First Rabi Ray Memorial Lecture and Rabi Ray Award Ceremony in New Delhi on 26 March 2023. The program was held at India Islamic Cultural Center (Lodhi Road), New Delhi. Shri (...)

Sikyong Addresses Danish Student Delegation on Tibetan History and Tibet Cause

lundi 27 mars 2023 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: A student delegation of twenty-three accompanied by two teachers and a Tibetan coordinator from Denmark paid a visit to Kashag Secretariat this afternoon and met with Sikyong Penpa Tsering for an interactive session with him. The delegation from Hojskolendk expressed a keen (...)

Human Rights Violations by China in Tibet Raised at 52nd UNHRC Session

lundi 27 mars 2023 par Staff Reporter
Geneva: UN Member States raised concerns over systematic violations of human rights by China, including in Tibet, in the ongoing 52nd UN Human Rights Council session, which is currently underway in Geneva, Switzerland. Underscoring grave human rights situation in China and regions under its (...)

Parution de : Gender Asymmetry and Nuns’ Agency in the Asian Buddhist Traditions

lundi 27 mars 2023 par admin — Autres actualités, Parutions
La revue Religions annonce la parution d’un numéro spécial portant le titre : Gender Asymmetry and Nuns’ Agency in the Asian Buddhist Traditions dirigé par Nicola Schneider L’intégralité du numéro est disponible en accès libre [...]

Fifth Session of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile Adjourns

samedi 25 mars 2023 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: The fifth session, the budget session, of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile concluded earlier today on 25 March 2023. Chaired by Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, the final day of the session began with three official motions, starting with the tabling of an official resolution to (...)

Profiling Tibetan Political Prisoners-Samdup

samedi 25 mars 2023 par Staff Reporter
The post Profiling Tibetan Political Prisoners-Samdup appeared first on Central Tibetan Administration.

Sikyong Penpa Tsering to Testify Hearing on Tibet at US Congressional-Executive Commission on China

samedi 25 mars 2023 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: Sikyong Penpa Tsering will be testifying at the US Congressional-Executive Commission on China’s hearing on Preserving Tibet: Combating Cultural Erasure, Forced Assimilation and Transnational Repression on Tuesday, 28 March. The other witnesses at the hearing include Richard Gere, (...)

Department of Health Invites Participants for Open Marathon in Dharamshala

samedi 25 mars 2023 par Staff Reporter
The Department of Health, CTA has initiated an Open Marathon in Dharamshala for this World Health Day (7th April) and will be observed on the 8th of April 2023. A similar initiative is also being organised in settlements like Bir, Kalimpong, Herbertpur (Lakhanwala), Bandhara and Bylakuppee. The (...)

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