Articles les plus récents

His Holiness addresses Tibetan Muslims in Srinagar

dimanche 15 juillet 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
Chief Minister Omar Abdullah and Tibetan Parliament Speaker Penpa Tsering accompany His Holiness the Dalai Lama during his visit to Badamwari Hawal Tibetan Public School in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India, on 14 July 2012/Photo/Sonam Tsering/LTWA SRINAGAR: Thousands of Tibetan Muslims came (...)

US calls on China to hold serious dialogue on Tibet

samedi 14 juillet 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
DHARAMSHALA: Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has called on Chinese government to hold a “serious dialogue” on the issue of Tibet during her meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi at the ASEAN Summit in Cambodia. At a special briefing in Phnom Penh on 12 July, a senior US (...)

In photos: Kalon Tripa visits Tibetan communities in Ladakh

samedi 14 juillet 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay with His Eminence Gaden Tripa Rizong Rinpoche (C) during his visit to meet the Tibetan community in Ladakh Kalon Tripa meeting with members of the Tibetan community during his visit to Ladakh Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay addressing schoolchildren at TCV school (...)

Home Kalon Dolma Gyari visits Montreal

samedi 14 juillet 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
Kalon Dolma Gyari with two key Political advisors for Kathleen Weil, the Minister of Immigration and Cultural Communities of Quebec in Montreal, Canada/Photo/Office of Tibet MONTREAL: Apart from visiting City Hall of Montreal, Kalon Dolma Gyari paid a visit to the Manjushri Buddhist Centre, (...)

For Tibetans, no other way to protest

samedi 14 juillet 2012 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
By Lobsang Sangay, Published: July 13 The Washington Post Since 2009, 43 Tibetans have set themselves on fire while shouting slogans for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet and crying for freedom for Tibetans. These people include monks, nuns, nomads and students. Two were (...)

Indians Show Strong Support to Tibet’s Truth Relay

vendredi 13 juillet 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
T N Seshan, former chief election commissioner of India, (C) rallying support for the ongoing Tibet’s Flame of Truth relay in Chennai DHARAMSHALA: The Indians living in South India, including prominent citizens, are showing strong support for the flame of truth relay organised by Tibetan (...)

A Culture Endangered: Depopulating the Grasslands of the Tibetan Plateau

vendredi 13 juillet 2012 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
By Tenzin Norbu Overview: Melting Tibetan Plateau With an average elevation of 4,500 meters, the Tibetan Plateau is one of the most distinctive land-features on earth. It occupies an area of 2.5 million square kilometers—more than one quarter of the size of China—and is the world’s highest and (...)

Clinton Urges China to Engage in Dialogue With Dalai Lama

vendredi 13 juillet 2012 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
By Nicole Gaouette, Bloomberg Secretary of State Hillary Clinton urged Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi to engage in dialogue with the Dalai Lama, according to a U.S. official who wasn’t authorized to speak on the record. Clinton met Yang before a regional security meeting today in Phnom (...)

EU Parliament Members, Belgian Officials Join Tibet Event

vendredi 13 juillet 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
From left to right : MEP Csaba Sogor, Mrs Kelam, Kalon Dongchung Ngodup, MEP Thomas Mann, Representative Ngodup Dorjee and MEP Tunne Kelam in Brussels/Photo/Bureau du Tibet BRUSSELS : On a warm sunny evening, bureau du Tibet, Brussels, held its reception at the Albert Hall Complex, a flagship (...)

China: Attempts to Seal Off Tibet from Outside Information

vendredi 13 juillet 2012 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
Escalating Restrictions on Media and Travel in Tibetan Areas (New York) – Restrictions on news, media, and communications in Tibet have been stepped up by Chinese authorities in the lead-up to the 18th Party Congress, due to take place in late 2012. The measures appear to be an effort to cut off (...)

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