Articles les plus récents

Tibetans arrested in Andu township,Ngaba in April Sentenced to Varying Prison Terms

samedi 16 juin 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
While most of those arrested from Andu in April have now been released, 40 year old Pulten of Pulten Tsang household in Gyalde Dewa (village) was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment at the Ngaba county Peoples Court on June 2nd. However, it is said that he is entitled to lodge an appeal within a (...)

Western leaders should listen to the Dalai Lama, and then re-examine their own relationship with China

vendredi 15 juin 2012 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
By Michelle Klepper (Daily Mail) Services to humanity: Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama collected the Templeton Prize last month While dropping into Britain to collect the Templeton Prize of £1.1m last month (and immediately giving it all away), Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader the Dalai (...)

S.Korea Buddhists slam China boycott of event

vendredi 15 juin 2012 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
SEOUL, June 14, 2012 (AFP) – South Korea’s leading Buddhist organisation Thursday criticised China’s boycott of a religious event in protest at a Tibetan presence, and demanded an apology from Beijing. The 17 Chinese monks and officials invited to this week’s World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB) (...)

Dalai Lama dismisses China’s Leeds Olympic threat

vendredi 15 juin 2012 par jamphel
BBC The Dalai Lama has dismissed as “almost routine” a threat by China to pull its Olympics team out of a training camp in Leeds because of his visit to the city. The Dalai Lama was greeted by youngsters from the Opera North children’s choir as he arrived in Leeds/BBC The Tibetan spiritual (...)

Korea Organisers Praise Tibetan Gesture to China Protest

vendredi 15 juin 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
DHARAMSHALA: Organisers and participants of the World Fellowship of Buddhists conference in Korea have highly praised Mr Pema Chhinjor for showing forbearance in response to protests by the Chinese delegation to prevent him from attending the event as a representative of the Central Tibetan (...)

S African MPs kick off Solidarity Day for Tibet Campaign

vendredi 15 juin 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
DHARAMSHALA: Parliamentarians from different political parties have started observing the “Parliamentary Solidarity for Tibet” campaign called by the International Network of Parliamentarians on Tibet (INPaT) Working Group Members. INPaT Working Group Members were mandated by the 6th World (...)

Tamding Thar Self-immolates, CTA Urges China to Address Tibetan Grievances (Updated)

vendredi 15 juin 2012 par jamphel
DHARAMSHALA:  The Central Tibetan Administration is deeply saddened by the recent situation in Tibet involving the death of another Tibetan and strongly urges China to reform it’s failed policies in Tibet to end the on-going wave of self-immolations. Tamding Thar, a Tibetan nomad in his late 50s, (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Arrives in Britain

vendredi 15 juin 2012 par jamphel
His Holiness the Dalai Lama arriving at his hotel in Manchester, England, on 14 June 2012/Photo/OHHDL MANCHESTER: His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived in Manchester, England, at the start of a 15-day visit to England, Scotland and Italy, on 14 June 2012. There will be live webcasts of His (...)

Parliament demands action on human rights in Tibet

vendredi 15 juin 2012 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
EU Parliament Website Parliament criticises human rights abuses in Tibet in a resolution passed on Thursday demanding that China reveal the whereabouts of all the victims of self-immolation and calling for unrestricted access for media and human rights monitors. It asks EU foreign policy chief (...)

Brazilian Parliamentary Friends of Tibet launched

vendredi 15 juin 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
New York: Yesterday, the Brazilian Parliamentary Friends of Tibet was formally launched on 13 June at the National Congress of Brazil by the initiative of Deputy Mr Walter Feldman and with support signature of 215 parliamentarians.  It is an all-party group of deputies and senators which will (...)

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