Articles les plus récents

Tibet should be opened to humanitarian groups

vendredi 10 août 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
Below is a letter written by His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Representative Thubten Samdup in response to an article by Chinese ambassador to Britain Liu Xiaoming on Tibet published in The Telegraph. Tibet should be opened to humanitarian groups The Telegraph  9 August 2012 SIR – I was perplexed to (...)

Self-Motivated Tibetans Keep Their Cause Alive

vendredi 10 août 2012 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
B.RAMAN “Here is a community, which is trying very hard to preserve its culture, its traditions, and its language in the hope that one day when it gets free from the most tyrannous regime of the world, it will take it all back to its homeland where it all belongs. This community has immense (...)

Choepa Self-Immolates in Amdo, Tibet

vendredi 10 août 2012 par jamphel — Flash News, Situation in Tibet, Situation in Tibet News
DHARAMSHALA: Choepa, a 24 year old Tibetan youth, set himself on fire at 10:15 am (local time) today at Meuruma, Amdo in north-eastern Tibet, protesting against the Chinese government. Choepa is the son of Palho (father) and Madon (mother). Meuruma is a small nomadic village in Ngaba, (...)

DIIR Kalon: Reflections on a year in office

vendredi 10 août 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
Department of Information and International Relations By Kalon Dicki Chhoyang First of all I would like to extend my warm Tashi Delek to you all on the occasion of the 1st anniversary of the new Kashag. Taking this opportunity I want to speak a few words on the Department of Information and (...)

Health Kalon: Reflections on a year in office

vendredi 10 août 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
Department of Health By Kalon Dr Tsering Wangchuk   August 10, 2012 10:10 am Tashi Delek ! One of the foremost initiatives of the Department of Health this year was the introduction of the Tibetan Medicare system on 1 April 2012. This new programme is progressing well in the Tibetan settlements, (...)

Kalon Ngodup Dongchung: Reflections on a year in office

vendredi 10 août 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
Department of Security By Kalon Ngodup Dongchung The 14th Kashag led by Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay following the devolution of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s political authority to the elected Tibetan leadership is completes its first year in office on 8 August. The main task of the Department (...)

Education Kalon: Reflections on a year in office

vendredi 10 août 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
Department of Education By Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay I would like to spell out some new initiatives that the Department of Education carried out during the last one year. It is now a common knowledge that education of Tibetans is the top priority of the present Kashag. In order to improve (...)

Solidarity Vigil Observed in London and Moscow

vendredi 10 août 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
Vigil held in London to show solidarity with Tibetans in Tibet and to mark the first year in office of the 14th Kashag LONDON: Tibetans and supporters gathered opposite the Chinese Embassy in London yesterday to show solidarity with Tibetans in Tibet and to mark the first anniversary of the (...)

2012 Rowell Fund for Tibet

jeudi 9 août 2012 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
(ICT) Download the 2012 Rowell Fund Application This year’s application is now available for download. Application materials will be accepted from September 1st — September 30th (midnight Eastern Standard Time). Applications submitted during any other time of the year cannot be considered, and (...)

In Tibet, defiant self-immolations spread beyond monks, nuns

jeudi 9 août 2012 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
Yesterday, a Tibetan mother died after her self-immolation in protest of the Dalai Lama’s exile and the lack of freedom in Tibet. The number of self-immolators has risen to 45 in the past 1-1/2 years.By Robert Marquand, Staff writer / The Christian Science Monitor While Chinese Olympic gold (...)

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