Articles les plus récents

Local Tibetan Assembly of Mundgod Doeguling Tibetan Settlement Sworn in

lundi 23 août 2021 par Staff Reporter — Reports from CTA Offices
Mundgod: As requested by the Election Commission, Tibetan Supreme Justice Commissioner Sonam Norbu Dagpo appointed Geshe Namgyal Gyaltsen, former chair of the local Tibetan assembly as the interim Local Justice Commissioner as per article 69 of the Tibetan Charter to administer the oath of (...)

Long time Tibet supporter Shri Shyam Gambhir meets Tibetan NGOs and Associations of Majnukatilla and Budh Vihar

lundi 23 août 2021 par Staff Reporter — Reports from CTA Offices
Revisiting the roots and re-strengthening the cause for Tibetan movement within Indian masses, India Tibet Coordination Office (ITCO) on Friday, 20 August 2021 in coordination with Samyeling Tibetan Settlement Office, Majnukatilla, organised a meeting cum felicitation program for Shri Shyam (...)

Tibetan COVID-19 Emergency Task-Force Visits Tenzingang Settlement

lundi 23 août 2021 par Staff Reporter — covid-19, Reports from CTA Offices
Tenzingang: The members of Central COVID-19 Emergency Task-Force led by Mr. Palden Dhondup, Secretary of Department of Health/Chairman of the Central COVID-19 Emergency Task-Force, Mr. Dawa Phunkyi, Chief Administrator of Tibetan Delek Hospital and Dr. Tenzin Tsundue, medical officer of Delek (...)

China Seeks to Push its Language and Culture in Tibet

lundi 23 août 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
The Associated Press and Reuters reported on this story. Bryan Lynn adapted the reports for VOA Learning English. Caty Weaver was the editor. A top Chinese official has called for “all-round efforts” to ensure Tibetans speak and write in Chinese. The official, Wang Yang, spoke at a recent (...)

Tibetans Chafe at Repression as China Celebrates 70 Years of Rule over Tibet

lundi 23 août 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
Reported by Kalden Lodoe and Yangdon Demo for RFA’s Tibetan Service. Translated by Tenzin Dickey. Written in English by Paul Eckert. The secrecy and security of celebrations underscore lack of support for Beijing in the Himalayan region, says a Tibetan monk. China flew in political heavyweights, (...)

Tibetan Covid Emergency Task Force Visits Miao Choepheling Settlement

lundi 23 août 2021 par Staff Reporter — covid-19, Reports from CTA Offices
The members of Central COVID-19 Emergency Task-Force led by Mr. Palden Dhondup, Secretary of Department of Health/Chairman of the Central COVID-19 Emergency Task-Force, Mr. Dawa Phunkyi, Chief Administrator of Tibetan Delek Hospital and Dr Tenzin Tsundue, medical officer of Delek Hospital who (...)

Embrace Communist rule, China tells Tibet on 70th anniversary of invasion

samedi 21 août 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
The Guardian, 21 August 2021 All Tibetans should embrace Communist party rule and share the “cultural symbols and images of the Chinese nation”, a senior Chinese official has said at an event celebrating 70 years since the People’s Liberation Army invaded Tibet. Wang Yang, a member of the (...)

Sikyong Addresses Students of Tibetan Children’s Village (TCV) School in Ladakh

samedi 21 août 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Leh: Sikyong Penpa Tsering of the Central Tibetan Administration addressed the staff and students of Tibetan Children’s Village (TCV) school in Ladakh on the evening of 20 August. Earlier in the afternoon, Sikyong visited the Chief Representative’s Office, Local Tibetan Assembly, Regional Tibetan (...)

Sikyong Penpa Tsering Arrives in Ladakh to a Warm Reception

vendredi 20 août 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Dharamshala: Sikyong Penpa Tsering of the Central Tibetan Administration arrived at Leh, Ladakh to a warm reception today at 11:00 am from Dharamshala via Jammu. Sikyong is welcomed at Kusho Bakula Rinpoche airport at Leh by Thupten Tsewang, former Indian MP and current President of the Ladakh (...)

‘Peaceful liberation’ of Tibet festivities no cause to celebrate

vendredi 20 août 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
By International Campaign for Tibet|August 18, 2021. Although China is holding large festivities to mark 70 years of its authoritarian rule in Tibet, the Tibetan people themselves have no reason to celebrate, the International Campaign for Tibet said today. China is organizing a series of (...)

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