Articles les plus récents

China retaliates after coordinated sanctions by western countries over Xinjiang abuses

mardi 23 mars 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
The Wion 23 March 2021 After the US, the EU, Britain, and Canada imposed sanctions on Chinese officials for excesses against Muslims in Xinjiang region, China hit back at the countries with sanctions of their own. Soon after the coordinated western sanctions, China responded with sanctions of (...)

Seventh Day of the Budget Session of the 16th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile

mardi 23 mars 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash, 16th Tibetan Parliament in Exile
Dharamshala: Chaired by Speaker Pema Jungney, the seventh day of the 10th session of the 16th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile began with Question-Hour, devoted to the questions raised by members of the parliament on the administrative aspects of respective department. In view of the Covid (...)

Australian parliament debates motion on rights abuses in China’s Xinjiang

lundi 22 mars 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
Reuters. March 22, 2021. Parliaments in Canada and the Netherlands drew rebukes from Beijing after they passed non-binding motions in February that said the treatment of China’s Uighur Muslim minority constituted genocide. “The most egregious, systematic abuse of human rights in the world is (...)

The flowers of a camp in Xinjiang

lundi 22 mars 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
By Palden Sonam Taipei Times 20 March 2021 Once I watched a Chinese movie called The Flowers of War, which depicts the horrors of war atrocities in Nanjing when Imperial Japan occupied the Chinese city in 1937. In one of the most heart-rending scenes from the movie, a Chinese woman with her (...)

Japan Bunkajin Cultural Channel’s panel discussion on Tibet issue

lundi 22 mars 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Tokyo: Representative Tsewang Gyalpo Arya of Liaison Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama was invited to the Japan Bunkajin Cultural Broadcast channel’s panel discussion on the Tibet issue on Saturday, 20 March. The panel comprised of Mr. Kato Kiyotaka, a political analyst as the Emcee; Mr (...)

What Lies Behind China’s Belt and Road Initiative?

lundi 22 mars 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
Prem Shankar Jha for The Wire. China’s prompt withdrawal of its troops and armour from the eastern part of the grey zone around Pangong lake between the Indian and Chinese defined Lines of Actual Control has confirmed the hypothesis advanced in several previous columns on this platform, that its (...)

UN should address the systemic racism against Tibetans by China

Geneva: Today, on International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, we appeal the UN including the UN Human Rights Council to address the systemic racism against Tibetans by the government of the People’s Republic of China. The death of 19-year-old Tibetan monk Tenzin Nyima is a (...)

China opens its borders to foreigners who take Chinese shots, as geopolitical vaccine silos emerge

dimanche 21 mars 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
Julia Hollingsworth CNN 20 March 2021 Hong Kong (CNN) — China is making it easier for foreigners to enter the country. But there’s one condition: they need to have received a China-made Covid-19 vaccine. At least 23 Chinese embassies around the world issued new visa policies over the past week (...)

EC declares list of final candidates for 2021 Sikyong and 17th Tibetan Parliamentary Elections

dimanche 21 mars 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Dharamshala: The Election Commission of the Central Tibetan Administration today declared the list of final candidates for the 2021 general election of Sikyong of the 16th Kashag and members of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, thus formally announcing the electoral process for the final (...)

China jails Tibetan nomad for sharing Tibet-related content on WeChat

Dharamshala: A Tibetan nomad has been sentenced to one year in prison on charges of “inciting separatism” and “endangering national security” by the Golog Prefecture Intermediate Court in Tibet’s traditional Amdo province. According to a report by a Chinese website Rights Defender, Tashi Gyal was (...)

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