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President Xi’s call for bolstering defences in Tibet ‘misguided’ and ‘unrealistic’: Lobsang Sangay

mercredi 2 septembre 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Rezaul H Laskar Hindustan Times | New Delhi | 1 September 202 | Read the news here Chinese President Xi Jinping’s call for bolstering border defences in Tibet and “sinicisation” of Tibetan Buddhism are “misguided” and “unrealistic”, the head of the … Continued The post President Xi’s call (...)

Xi’s policy directions on Tibet misguided & unrealistic: Lobsang Sangay

mercredi 2 septembre 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury | ET Bureau | 1 September 2020 | Read the news here New Delhi: Central Tibetan Administration President Dr Lobsang Sangay has refuted Chinese President Xi Jinping’s proposed policy directions on Tibet and called it “misguided” and “unrealistic”. Xi Jinping has (...)

Kashag’s Statement on the 60th Anniversary of the Tibetan Democracy Day

mercredi 2 septembre 2020 par Tenzin Choetso
We are gathered here today to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the birth of Tibetan democracy. On this occasion, with deep reverence and gratitude, we pay homage to His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai Lama, pioneer of Tibetan democracy. We also … Continued The post Kashag’s Statement on the 60th (...)

Tibet Was China’s First Laboratory of Repression

mercredi 2 septembre 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Xi Jinping is bringing methods honed in Xinjiang back to the Himalayas. BY KELSANG DOLMA | Foreign Policy | 31 August 2020 | Read the article here Graffiti relating to Xinjiang and Tibet is seen on the pavement during a rally … Continued The post Tibet Was China’s First Laboratory of (...)

Statement of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Tibetan Democracy Day

mercredi 2 septembre 2020 par Tenzin Choetso
The political nature of the Tibetan people in exile today stands fully transformed in the mould of the excellence of the democratic system and for this, we owe a great debt of gratitude to the awe-inspiring efforts and accomplishments of … Continued The post Statement of the Tibetan (...)

CTA holds prayer service for former President Pranab Mukherjee

mardi 1er septembre 2020 par Tenzin Choetso
Dharamshala: The Central Tibetan Administration organised a prayer service today to mourn the demise of former President Pranab Mukherjee, one of India’s greatest leaders who passed away Monday at the age of 84 after suffering septic shock from a lung infection while … Continued The post CTA (...)

Chime Tseyang assumes charge as Information Secretary of DIIR

mardi 1er septembre 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Dharamshala: Mrs Chime Tseyang formally took charge as Information Secretary of DIIR from outgoing Secretary Tsewang Gyalpo Arya. A brief ceremony of handing over was held at DIIR today in the presence of Home Secretary Tsewang Dolma as the official witness, International … Continued The post (...)

Speaker Pema Jungney condoles the demise of Former Indian President Pranab Mukherjee

mardi 1er septembre 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Dharamsala: Speaker Pema Jungney of the Tibetan Parliament-in-exile offered his deepest condolence to the family members of the former President of India, late Shri Pranab Mukherjee, who passed away at the age of 84 on 31 August 2020. In the … Continued The post Speaker Pema Jungney condoles (...)

China’s expansionist agenda takes shape on the Indian border

mardi 1er septembre 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Brahma Chellaney | SPECIAL TO THE GLOBE AND MAIL | AUGUST 31, 2020 | Read the news here Brahma Chellaney is a geostrategist and the author of nine books, including Water: Asia’s New Battleground. As the past weekend’s latest skirmishes between rival troops … Continued The post China’s (...)

Xi Jinping’s speech at Tibet Work Forum betrays CCP’s policy failure

mardi 1er septembre 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
by T.G. Arya Chinese President Xi Jinping has recently delivered a fiery long speech calling China to build an “impregnable fortress” to maintain stability in Tibet, protect national unity and educate the masses in the struggle against “separatists”, at the … Continued The post Xi Jinping’s speech (...)

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