Articles les plus récents

His Holiness the Dalai Lama begins three-day teaching on Tsongkhapa’s Three Principal aspects of the Path (lamtso namsum) & The Furthest Everlasting Continuum

Dharamshala: His Holiness the Dalai Lama initiated the three-day teaching on “Tsongkhapa’s The Three Principal Paths (lamtso namsum) & The Furthest Everlasting Continuum” at the main temple today. There were around 1100 people from Russia and 5195 people from 70 different countries and … (...)


vendredi 10 mai 2019 par Tenzin Choetso — News From Other Sites
THE WOMAN REMEMBERS the first time she got a smartphone. It was 2011, and she was living in Hotan, an oasis town in Xinjiang, in northwest China. The 30-year-old, Nurjamal Atawula, loved to take pictures of her children and exchange strings … (...)

An Exiled Chinese Novelist Rips Apart Xi Jinping and His ‘China Dream’

vendredi 10 mai 2019 par Tenzin Choetso — News From Other Sites
Ma Jian, the exiled Chinese novelist, knows better than most the desire for freedom in a country where democracy is a dream and censorship is the norm. His debut, the 1987 short-story collection Stick Out Your Tongue, highlighted the brutal … (...)

China’s White Paper on Education in Tibet: The Missing Facts

vendredi 10 mai 2019 par Tenzin Choetso — Flash Mobile, News Flash, China, China White Paper, Human Rights, Tibet, Tibetan
The CCP rewrites history in order to justify its repression of Tibetan language and culture. In March 2019, coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the Tibetan National Uprising, the Chinese government released the so-called white paper, a self-congratulatory document titled “Democratic Reform (...)

In attempt to muzzle peaceful call for Panchen Lama’s release, China hands heavy sentence to Sershul Tibetan and kin

Dharamshala: In yet another example of China’s heavy-handed employment of law enforcement to crackdown on peaceful acts of protest and targeted attempts to muzzle free expression, a Tibetan youth and his aunt from Sershul in Tibet’s Karze were handed prison … (...)

Members of Tibetan Parliament in exile participate in the 7th World Parliamentarians’ Convention on Tibet

Dharamsala: Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile (TPiE) in close association with Latvian Parliamentary Support Group for Tibet and International Network of Parliamentarians on Tibet (INPaT) commenced four days sessions of 7th World Parliamentarians’ Convention on Tibet (WPCT) in Riga, Latvia from 7-10 (...)

CTA releases Five-Fifty Forum Report

jeudi 9 mai 2019 par Intern Writer — Reports from CTA Offices
Five Fifty Forum: Towards a Resilient Tibetan Community was a follow on to the gathering convened in 2017, but one that focused on the development and long-term resiliency objectives of the Five-Fifty vision. The Forum held in Dharamsala from the … (...)

Tibetan Man, Aunt Sentenced For Panchen Lama Protest in Sichuan

jeudi 9 mai 2019 par Intern Writer — News From Other Sites
For original new, Click here. Authorities in western China’s Sichuan province handed jail terms on Wednesday to a young Tibetan convicted of calling in public for the release of Tibetan spiritual leader the Panchen Lama and also to his aunt, … (...)

Three-member delegation of Department of Education visits Copenhagen, Denmark

Denmark: At the invitation from the Community for International Cooperation in Education and Development (CICED), Denmark, a three-member team led by Mr. Karma Singey, Education Secretary, CTA visited Copenhagen from 5 – 10 May 2019. He was accompanied by Mr. … (...)

“China wants to destroy the core of Tibetan identity”: Dalai Lama’s former envoy testifies before German parliament

jeudi 9 mai 2019 par Intern Writer — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Dharamshala: “China wants to destroy the core of Tibetan identity and replace Tibetan culture and religion with a state-approved and controlled version,” former Special Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Europe, Kelsang Gyaltsen testified at a hearing titled “Religious … (...)

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