Articles les plus récents

Public Service Commission announces Job Vacancies

Dharamshala: The Public Service Commission of the Central Tibetan Administration invites application for the post of Program Manager at the Tibet Museum of Department of Information and International Relations, Under Secretary post at Department of Health for Optimal Service Model project, … (...)

Tibet TV’s Take-off Film Grant to Produce Seven Films Themed ‘Sixty Year’s in Exile, Struggle & Achievement’

Dharamsala: Tibet TV of the Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR), Central Tibetan Administration announces a Take-Off film grant to encourage budding Tibetan filmmakers in the exile community to make short feature or documentary films for Tibet TV. TTV … (...)

Larung Gar Buddhist Academy Closes to New Enrollment as China Tightens Controls

samedi 20 avril 2019 par Tenzin Choetso — News From Other Sites
Authorities in western China’s Sichuan province have further tightened controls at the Larung Gar Buddhist Academy, declaring that no new residents may now be admitted to live and study there, Tibetan sources say. The move follows a years-long campaign of … (...)

Its High time We unite and become Self-Sufficient: CTA President to the Tibetans in Kamrao Tibetan settlement

Dehradun: The Central Tibetan Administration’s President Dr Lobsang Sangay visited the Tibetan community at Kamrao settlement and had a successful community discussion with the residents of the settlement. President Sangay noted that CTA is committed towards all-round sustainable development and (...)

April 20, the day Dalai Lama reached Mussoorie 60 years ago

samedi 20 avril 2019 par Tenzin Phende — News From Other Sites
Mussoorie: The picturesque hill town of Mussoorie occupies a special place in Tibetan history as the Queen of Hills was the first home of the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama in India after his escape from Tibet. Exactly 60 years … (...)

CTA President visits Kham Kathok Tibetan Settlement, Satuan

vendredi 19 avril 2019 par Intern Writer — Flash Mobile, News Flash, CTA, CTA President, Dr Lobsang Sangay
Dehradun: CTA President Dr Lobsang Sangay was warmly welcomed by Miss Tenzin Lhakey, Settlement Officer of Satuan Kham Kathok Tibetan settlement and the public. While addressing the Tibetans Dr Sangay briefly mentioned about the Tibetan Rehabilitation Policy Act, Where he … (...)

CTA Spokesperson Congratulates Jim McGovern on his appointment as the Chairperson of CECC

Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) Spokesperson Sonam Norbu Dagpo made a statement on the appointment of Jim McGovern as the Chairperson of the bipartisan Congressional-Executive Commission on China(CECC) and Senator Marco Rubio as Co-chairperson. He said “ We are extremely happy … (...)

Tibetan Public Service Commission Announces Job Vacancies

vendredi 19 avril 2019 par Tenzin Phende — Announcements, Public Service Commission
Dharamshala: The Public Service Commission of the Central Tibetan Administration, has invited applications for vacancies from the posts of Junior Clerks to Joint Secretary at the various departments of the Tibetan administration. Candidates will be selected based on an entrance … (...)

TCC Organises Career Awareness Program at Bir and Ladakh Sonamling Tibetan Settlements

vendredi 19 avril 2019 par Tenzin Choetso — Reports from CTA Offices
Dharamshala: Tibetan Career Centre (TCC), a unit of Youth Empowerment Support, DoH, organized a workshop on “Career Awareness” at Bir and Ladakh Sonamling Tibetan Settlement in the month of April. Ms Jigme Lhamo, counsellor cum placement officer of Tibetan Career … (...)

New Chairman and Vice Chairman of 8th Local Kathmandu Tibetan Assembly Sworn in

mercredi 17 avril 2019 par Tenzin Phende — Reports from CTA Offices, Tibet, Tibetan, Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission
Filed by the Tibetan Supreme Justice Commission- Kathmandu: As per request from Election Commission to hold an oath-taking ceremony in lieu of deceased Chairman and Vice Chairman of Samdupling Tibetan settlement in Nepal. Chief Justice Commissioner Kagyu Dhondup has appointed former … (...)

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