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His Holiness the Dalai Lama Calls for Tibetan Unity During Annual Teachings on Chotrul Monlam

DHARAMSHALA: His Holiness the Dalai Lama today gave a short teaching on the Jataka Tales as part of the annual Chotrul Monlam prayer festival at Tsuglakhang, Mcleod Ganj. The teaching was attended by over a thousand devotees comprising of local … (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Gave a Short Teaching

Tibet This Week – 02 March, 2018

vendredi 2 mars 2018 par Palden Choedon — Flash Mobile, Video of the Day

TED invites applications for Business Development Support

jeudi 1er mars 2018 par Jamphel Shonu — Announcements, Department of Finance
Tibetan Entrepreneurship Development (TED) initiative of Department of Finance, Central Tibetan Administration invites application from aspiring Tibetan entrepreneurs to avail the pre-incubation business training and incubation services. Pre-incubation training is especially for the ideation (...)

Nuns of Five Tibetan Buddhist Sects Offer Long Life Prayer to His Holiness the Dalai Lama

DHARAMSHALA: Buddhist nuns from over 40 nunneries across India, Nepal and Bhutan made history by offering the first ever tenshug to Tibetan spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama with representation from four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon … (...)

We All (should) Act Like Human Rights Defenders: EU Special Representative for Human Rights to UN Human Rights Council

jeudi 1er mars 2018 par Jamphel Shonu — Flash Mobile, News Flash, European Union
At the ongoing 37th Human Rights Council, the European Union's Special Representative for Human Rights Mr. Stavros Lambrinidis released a statement on behalf of the EU High Representative and Vice President Federica Mogherini wherein, he expressed deep concern over the … (...)

In Tokyo, Tibetan leader urges pressure on China to free his homeland

jeudi 1er mars 2018 par Jamphel Shonu — News From Other Sites
  by Daisuke Kikuchi, Japan Times – (Read Original Story here) Japan and the international community should pressure China to find a peaceful solution to its long-standing conflict with Tibet, the president of the Tibetan government-in-exile told The Japan Times … (...)

Long Life Offering by Buddhist Nuns

OOT Washington Representative Holds Conversation with Tech & Thought Leaders

jeudi 1er mars 2018 par Jamphel Shonu — Reports from CTA Offices, OOT Washington
Representative Ngodup Tsering attended a dinner reception and meeting organized by Michael McCullough and Tenzin Seldon. The convening took place at the Harvard Club of New York on February 25, 2018. The evening conversation surrounded the cultural preservation of Tibetan … (...)

I hope China will accept dialogue with Tibetans: Lobsang Sangay (IANS Interview)

mercredi 28 février 2018 par Tenzin Saldon — News From Other Sites
Business Standard, 28 February 2018 Read original story here His salary is “less than that of an Indian postman”, but it is his task to communicate his community’s desire for liberty across the globe. And Lobsang Sangay, the 49-year-old Central … (...)

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