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(Updated) DoE launches counselling services for students and parents struggling amidst prolonged lockdown

jeudi 7 mai 2020 par Intern Writer
Dharamshala: As the psychosocial and emotional impact of COVID-19 lockdown is observed to be wide-ranging among students and parents, the Department of Education, CTA has organised professional counselling services for children and parents struggling amidst the prolonged lockdown. In (...)

159 Organizations petition the UN for Release of Tibet’s Panchen Lama Gedhun Choekyi Nyima

jeudi 7 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Geneva: This year marks the 25th year of the enforced disappearance of Tibet’s 11th Panchen Lama Gedhun Choekyi Nyima and his entire family by the Chinese Communist Party. In this regard, 159 organizations submitted a joint petition to the United … Continued The post 159 Organizations petition (...)

‘Textbook’ discrimination: Human Rights report accuses China of mistreating Africans

jeudi 7 mai 2020 par Intern Writer
Austin Horn, National Public Radio. May 7, 2020. Read original news here. Human Rights Watch is accusing China of discrimination against African communities during the coronavirus pandemic. Authorities in China’s Guangdong province, home to China’s largest African population, have singled out (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama to give teachings and guidance in times of COVID-19 crisis

jeudi 7 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Dharamshala: At a time when countries around the world grapple with the unprecedented crisis in form of the COVID-19 pandemic, Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama has graciously announced to give Buddhist teachings over two days next week, in … Continued The post His Holiness (...)

Authorities investigate over 4,000 households in Tibet with ties outside the country

jeudi 7 mai 2020 par Intern Writer
Free Tibet. May 7,2020. Read the original news here. Officials investigate Tibetan citizens with family members in exile. Authorities have investigated between 4,000 and 5,000 households in Tibet that have family ties to exiles in Nepal, India and other places … Continued The post Authorities (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Message on Vesak Celebration around the world

jeudi 7 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Message on Vesak Celebration around the world: It gives me great pleasure to offer greetings to Buddhist brothers and sisters across the world celebrating Vesak (Buddha Purnima) today. Shakyamuni Buddha was born in Lumbini, attained … Continued The post His Holiness (...)

Tibetan Buddhist community urged to join Virtual Vesak prayers aimed at resolution of COVID-19 crisis

mercredi 6 mai 2020 par Intern Writer
Dharamshala: The International Buddhist Confederation based in Delhi is organising a virtual celebration of Vesak – Buddha Poornima on 7 May, a day of honouring the auspicious birth, enlightenment and passing into parinirvana of Buddha. On account of the world struggling … Continued The post (...)

Chargées & chargés d’étude et de recherche (contrats doctoraux) à l’INHA

mercredi 6 mai 2020 par admin — Autres actualités, Postes et bourses
Institut national de l’histoire de l’art recrute, pour l’année 2020/2021, six chargées et chargés de recherche sur support de contrat [...]

Global Backlash Builds Against China Over Coronavirus

mercredi 6 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
As calls for inquiries and reparations spread, Beijing has responded aggressively, mixing threats with aid and adding to a growing mistrust of China. By Steven Erlanger| New York Times| May 3, 2020| Read the original article here BRUSSELS — Australia has called … Continued The post (...)

Chorig department issues new advisory for Tibetan monasteries

mercredi 6 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Dharamshala: The Department of Religion and Culture, CTA issued the following advisory for Tibetan Buddhist monasteries to organise prayers for those affected by the coronavirus. As per the advisory dated 28 April, the Tibetan monasteries have been urged to organise … Continued The post Chorig (...)

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