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Chinese government destroys third Tibetan Buddhist statue in 3 months

mardi 1er mars 2022 par Staff Reporter
Radio Free Asia The razing of Padmasambhava is seen as the latest infringement on Tibetan religious freedom. The Chinese government has demolished a third Tibetan Buddhist statue in what sources told RFA is the latest example of official efforts to stamp out the Tibetans’ religious traditions. (...)

UN Human Rights Council’s 49th session Begins: Swiss Tibetans Hold Protest Against China for Deteriorating Situation in Tibet

mardi 1er mars 2022 par Staff Reporter
Geneva: Tibetan Community of Switzerland & Liechtenstein expressed profound concern over the rapidly deteriorating situation in Tibet and held a demonstration in protest against China paralleling the opening of the UN Human Rights Council’s 49th regular session on Monday, 28 February. (...)

Sonam Dorjee takes charge as Secretary of Tibetan Parliament in Exile

lundi 28 février 2022 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: Secretary Sonam Dorjee formally took charge as the new Secretary of Tibetan Parliament in Exile earlier during a brief handover-takeover ceremony held this morning at the Parliamentary Secretariat. Secretary Sonam Dorjee succeeds the outgoing pro-tem Secretary Tseten Kalsang, (...)

“Freedom is foundation for development”: His Holiness the Dalai Lama to NBA player Enes Kanter Freedom

lundi 28 février 2022 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: “Freedom is essential. It is the foundation for development and without freedom, development is rigid,” said His Holiness the Dalai Lama during a virtual conversation with NBA player Enes Kanter Freedom on Wednesday. The NBA player is lately recognised not for his talk about the (...)

Conférence SEECHAC : Des images sous la boue: les chapelles peintes du Minyak (Tibet oriental)

lundi 28 février 2022 par admin — Autres conférences et colloques, Conférences
La SEECHAC (Société Européenne pour l’Etude des Civilisations de l’Himalaya et de l’Asie Centrale) annonce la tenue de la conférence suivante : Des images sous la boue: les chapelles peintes du Minyak (Tibet oriental) par Jean-Baptiste (...)

His Holiness the Dalai lama Hopes for Dialogue to Restore Peace in Ukraine

lundi 28 février 2022 par Staff Reporter I have been deeply saddened by the conflict in Ukraine. Our world has become so interdependent that violent conflict between two countries inevitably impacts the rest of the world. War is out-dated – non-violence is the only way. We need to develop a sense of the oneness of (...)

Sikyong Penpa Tsering offers Solidarity with Ukraine, condemns violence as the solution

lundi 28 février 2022 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: The Sikyong of the Central Tibetan Administration, Sikyong Penpa Tsering had earlier offered his solidarity with the Ukraine crisis. In a tweet posted on Friday, Sikyong condemns violence as ‘inhumane’ and ‘anachronistic’ in today’s world and called for peace to be restored in Ukraine. (...)

DIIR Kalon Norzin Dolma Wraps Up Successful Visit to Washington DC

lundi 28 février 2022 par Staff Reporter
Washington DC: CTA’s Department of Information and International Relations(DIIR) Kalon Norzin Dolma and Secretary Karma Choeying wrapped up a successful week-long visit to Washington DC and returned to Dharamsala on Saturday, 26 February 2022. During the week-long visit, Kalon met with U.S (...)

Ghent Centre for Buddhist Studies Spring 2022 Lecture Series

dimanche 27 février 2022 par admin
L’Université de Gand annonce la tenue de la série de séminaires suivants : The program (including abstracts and speaker bios) and registration details can be found here. Registration is in Dutch, but this can easily be mechanically (...)

Self-immolation attempt at Tibet’s Potala Palace thwarted by Chinese police

dimanche 27 février 2022 par Staff Reporter
By Tashi Wangchuk and Kalden Lodoe for Radio Free Asia. A Tibetan shouted slogans and attempted to self-immolate in an apparent protest in front of the iconic Potala Palace in the Tibet regional capital Lhasa this week but was thwarted by Chinese police, sources in the region and in India told (...)

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