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Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile Bids Farewell to Former Secretary-General Tsewang Ngodup

mardi 1er février 2022 par Staff Reporter
Dharamsala: Today the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile hosted a farewell lunch to the former Secretary-General of the Tibetan Parliamentary Secretariat, Mr. Tsewang Ngodup on his retirement. In the presence of the Deputy Speaker Dolma Tsering Teykhang, members of the Standing Committee, and the (...)

Tibetans in Australia protest against China’s human rights violations, urges global community to boycott Beijing Olympics

mardi 1er février 2022 par Staff Reporter
Canberra, Australia: Tibetans in Australia staged a protest rally against the deplorable human rights situation inside Tibet urging the global community to boycott the Beijing Winter Olympics in China on Monday, 31 January. A large number of Tibetans gathered from various cities began a rally (...)

Parution de : The Many Faces of King Gesar

mardi 1er février 2022 par admin — Autres actualités, Parutions
Matthew Kapstein (EPHE) et Charles Ramble (EPHE) annoncent la publication de l’ouvrage : The Many Faces of King Gesar paru aux éditions Brill, avec des contributions de Jean-Noël Robert, Anne-Marie Blondeau, Chopa Dondrup, Estelle Dryland, (...)

Representative Ngodup Dongchung calls on APIPFT Convener Shri Sujeet Kumar

mardi 1er février 2022 par Staff Reporter
New Delhi: Representative Ngodup Dongchung of Bureau of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, New Delhi called on Shri Sujeet Kumar, Hon’ble MP Rajya Sabha and Convener, All Party Indian Parliamentary Forum for Tibet (APIPFT) at the latter’s residence on Monday, 31st January, 2022. Representative Ngodup (...)

Japan parliament adopts resolution on human rights in China

mardi 1er février 2022 par Staff Reporter
Reuters – 1 February 2022 TOKYO, Feb 1 (Reuters) – Japan’s parliament on Tuesday adopted a resolution on the “serious human rights situation” in China, and called Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s government to take steps to relieve the situation, as the Beijing Winter Olympics loom just days ahead. (...)

OOT Washington holds meeting of six Tibetan Associations in Canada

mardi 1er février 2022 par Staff Reporter
Washington DC: Office of Tibet Washington DC held a virtual meeting of the six Tibetan Associations (TA) in Canada: Toronto-Ontario, Quebec-Montreal, Ottawa, Calgary-Alberta, British Columbia-Vancouver, and Victoria Island-Vancouver on Saturday, January 29, 2022. The meeting was also attended (...)

Tibetan former political prisoner in failing health still watched by police

mardi 1er février 2022 par Staff Reporter
Radio Free Asia A Tibetan monk jailed for six years for taking part in Tibetan freedom protests is still being watched by police years after his release despite being crippled by beatings while in custody, Tibetan sources say. Geshe Tsewang Namgyal, formerly a monk at the Draggo monastery in (...)

Cycle Conférences SFEMT 2021/2022 : 14 février Julie Lefort

lundi 31 janvier 2022 par admin
La SFEMT a le plaisir d’annoncer la tenue, dans le cadre du Cycle Conférences SFEMT 2021/2022, de la conférence suivante : Enrichissement et transfert de vocabulaire en Yugur occidental : une introduction (An introduction to [...]

Assemblée générale annuelle de la SFEMT – 14 février

La SFEMT a le plaisir d’annoncer la tenue de son Assemblée générale annuelle qui se tiendra le Lundi 14 février 2022 de 16h00 à 17h30 via Zoom (les détails pour la connexion via Zoom seront [...]

Darjeeling Tibetan Settlement Officer Concludes Official Four-day Tour

lundi 31 janvier 2022 par Staff Reporter
Darjeeling: Tsewang Phuntsok, the Tibetan Settlement Officer, Darjeeling, paid his maiden official visit to the scattered Tibetan communities under the jurisdiction of the office. He was accompanied by newly appointed office Accountant Ms. Lobsang Dolker, and Secretary Mr. Tenzin Tsultem. The (...)

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