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China’s Promise to End Pollution Leaves Chemical Park’s Neighbors Sceptical

lundi 29 mai 2017 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
By Natalie Thomas and David Stanway, The Wire, Handan, China: Hebei province, home to many of China’s most polluted cities, has promised to close down companies that are poisoning the environment, but after years of protests villagers living in the … (...)

Caught between two worlds: the dilemma of the overseas Chinese student

lundi 29 mai 2017 par Tenzin Saldon — News From Other Sites
South China Morning Post, Sidney Leng, 28 May 2017 It began with a graduation speech praising democracy and fresh air. But once Chinese internet users caught wind of it, the eight-minute speech brewed into a nationalistic storm. Internet users on … (...)

Tibetan Bulletin March-April 2017

lundi 29 mai 2017 par Tenzin Phende — Uncategorized

Talk on introduction to Tibet held at Office of Tibet, Japan

dimanche 28 mai 2017 par Tenzin Saldon — News Flash
TOKYO: A talk on introduction to Tibet’s history, Buddhism and culture was held at the Office of Tibet in Japan on Saturday, 27 May. The talk was attended a group of Japanese as part of a tour to learn about about Tibetan Buddhism and … (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Confers Avalokiteshvara Empowerment on Sagadawa

Dharamshala: Marking the beginning of the sacred month of Sagadawa, a month of honouring the life of Buddha, His Holiness the Dalai Lama blessed Tibetans and his devotees with the Chenresig Jigten Wangchuk empowerment, also known as the Avalokiteshvara empowerment, … (...)

50 Years of marriage and mindfulness

samedi 27 mai 2017 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
By Penelope Green, Waterloo Region Record, WOODSTOCK, N.Y. — The lawn goldfish, to use Ganden Thurman’s name for his parents’ three temple dogs, were trailing Nena Thurman in a wheezing cortege. Nena Thurman’s husband, Robert, the Buddhist scholar and activist, … (...)

UN Mandate Holders question China on Tashi Wangchuk and Nyima Lhamo

Dharamshala: In yet another fresh development for Tibetan advocacy at the United Nations, a group of United Nations human rights mandate holders today published a joint communication made to the Chinese government on the case of Tibetan human rights defenders: Tashi … (...)

Tibet group urges China to start dialogue with the Dalai

vendredi 26 mai 2017 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
By PTI, DNA, The Tibet Support Group of Arunachal Pradesh (TSGAP) has urged China to start dialogue with the Tibetan Government in Exile for a final solution. A delegation of the TSGAP led by its President Gicho Kabak had met … (...)

‘Not a Single Sound’: Chinese Critic He Weifang Falls Silent

vendredi 26 mai 2017 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
By Associated Press, VOA, Beijing: One of the Chinese government’s most vocal critics is finally falling silent. He Weifang told The Associated Press Friday that he would no longer publish on social media after authorities repeatedly shut down his personal … (...)

The new Red Guards: China’s angry student patriots

vendredi 26 mai 2017 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
By Carrie Gracie, BBC, Half a century ago millions of Chairman Mao’s Red Guards gathered in rallies in Tiananmen Square to chant slogans and wave their red books of his quotations in a show of loyalty to the ideas of … Continued

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