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Office of Tibet – Washington DC Hosts TSP Cohort of 2020

mercredi 20 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
Washington DC: The Office of Tibet, Washington DC hosted recipients of the 2020 Tibet Scholarship Program (TSP) funded by the US State Department through Tibet Fund, New York. The students are studying in universities across the US in Arkansas, Kansas, Iowa, Massachusetts, and New York. With (...)

Annual Maha Guru Bumtsok Prayer Ceremony Commences

mercredi 20 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: The annual Maha Guru Bumtsok prayer ceremony organised by the Department of Religion and Culture, CTA, with assistance and support from Namgyal Monastery, commenced yesterday on 19 July 2022 at Tsuglakhang in Mcleod Ganj. The inaugural of five-day prayer for the good health and (...)

Department of Education announces extension of Scholarship deadline

mardi 19 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
The Department of Education, Central Tibetan Administration announces an extension of scholarship deadline of the following scholarships as previously announced in the DoE’s Annual Scholarship 2022 has been extended. Scholarships: Undergraduate scholarship: Previous deadline 20th July 2022 (...)

Health Department concludes 7th Health Review Meeting

mardi 19 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: The 7th Health Review Meeting of the Health Department concluded on Saturday, 16 July highlighted and discussed measures to tackle some pressing prevalent diseases in the Tibetan community notably Hypertension, Acute Respiratory Tract, Infection, Gastritis, Diabetes, and (...)

Preservice Training for Nurses and Regional Supervisors underway in Dehradun

mardi 19 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
Dehradun: The Health Department is organising five days of training of trainers for regional supervisors/coordinators under Health workforce capacity strengthening program from 18th July to 22nd July 2022 at Dekyiling in Dehradun. Five regional health worker supervision and mentoring offices (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama offers prayers for swift end to crisis in Sri Lanka

mardi 19 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
Dharmashala: In a letter extended to the Sri Lankan Tibetan Buddhist Brotherhood Society, the Office of Dalai Lama thanked the organisation for actively promoting the ethical values and commitments of His Holiness’ to the wellbeing of humanity on his birthday on 6 July. The letter conveyed His (...)

Visiting Tibetan advocacy delegation in London drum up heat on PRC to release 11th Panchen Lama

mardi 19 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
London, 18 July 2022: As part of the first day of engagements in London, the visiting delegation headed by Zeekgyab Rinpoche, Abbot of Tashi Lhunpo Monastery on Monday visited the London-based Office of Tibet where Rinpoche gave media interviews. In the afternoon, they visited the Tibetan Peace (...)

Representative Frasi welcomes Zeekyab Rinpoche’s arrival in London

mardi 19 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
London, Sunday, 17 July 2022: Tashi Lhunpo Khen Rinpoche, the 5th Zeekgyab Tulku and DIIR’s Head of Tibet Advocacy Section, Dukthen Kyi arrived in London on Sunday to participate in a series of events organised by the Office of Tibet, London, across a four-day period, to primarily strengthen (...)

Tibetan Community in Belgium celebrates 87th birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama

mardi 19 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
Belgium: The Tibetan Community in Belgium celebrated the 87th Birthday of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Antwerp’s Nord park on Sunday, 17 July with much fanfare though the temperature in Europe is touching almost 40 degrees Celsius. Secretary Thinley Wangdue, Office of Tibet, Brussels attended (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama to begin three-day teaching in Ladakh

lundi 18 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: His Holiness the Dalai Lama will give 3 days of teaching on the mornings of July 28, 29 & 30 at Shewatsel Teaching Ground near Choglamsar, Leh at the request of the Ladakh Buddhist Association and the Ladakh Gonpa Association. On the 28th and 29th morning, His Holiness will (...)

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