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Representatives of Men-Tsee-Khang tour Brazil, disseminate knowledge of Tibetan medical practice

mardi 26 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
São Paulo: It was commendable dissemination of Tibetan traditional medicine and Astro science knowledge in Brasil with lectures and conversations by Men-Tsee-Khang team in Tibet House Brasil in São Paulo from 2 to 13 July 2022. Men-Tsee-Khang institution was represented by sMenpa Lhundup Dorjee, (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Consecrates the Thiksey Library & Learning Centre

mardi 26 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter Shewatsel, Leh, Ladakh, UT, India – This morning, His Holiness the Dalai Lama consecrated the newly constructed Thiksey Library and Learning Centre, a project for which he conducted the ground-breaking ceremony in July 2018. In his welcoming address, Thiksey Rinpoché paid his (...)

Office of Tibet Taiwan jointly with Taiwan Psychoanalytic Association host seminar analysing Buddhist Psychology

lundi 25 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
Taiwan: A first-ever held seminar analysing the correlation between Tibetan Buddhism and Psychology was co-organised in Taiwan by Office of Tibet and Taiwan Psychoanalytic Association on Saturday, 23 July. Several Buddhist scholars and the country’s renowned psychologists participated in the (...)

Parliamentarian Phurpa Dorjee Gyaldhong Launches Khampa Writers’ Group’s Website and Magazine

lundi 25 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
Dharamsala: The 15th working committee of the Khampa Writers’ Group launched its new website ( along with its annual magazine Drichu at the Library of the Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA) on 25 July 2022. The website of the Khampa Writers’ Group and the fifth edition (...)

Postdoctorats en études asiatiques à l’Université de Copenhague

lundi 25 juillet 2022 par admin — Autres actualités, Postes et bourses
Le Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, à l’Université de Copenhague annonce le recrutement de plusieurs chercheurs et chercheuses pour des postdoctorats en études asiatiques. La date limite pour envoyer sa candidature est le 31 juillet (...)

Live Webcasts: His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Confer Teaching in Leh, Ladakh

lundi 25 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
– His Holiness the Dalai Lama will give three days of teachings at Shewatsel Teaching Ground in Leh, Ladakh, India on July 28-30, 2022. On July 28th and 29th His Holiness will teach on Chapter 9 of Shantideva’s A Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life. On July 30th His Holiness will (...)

Tibet United FC Bern from Swiss clinched 12th Euro Tibet Cup Title

lundi 25 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
Belgium: The 12th edition of the Euro Tibet Cup football tournament, the biggest sporting event in the Tibetan Community in Europe, kicked off from 18th July to 23rd July 2022 in Deurne nearby Antwerpen Belgium. A total of 15 teams from Belgium, France and Swiss participated in this year’s (...)

Leadership Excellence Training for senior CTA officials conclude in Jaipur

dimanche 24 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
Jaipur: The six-day Leadership Excellence Training Program for senior officials of the Central Tibetan Administration held in Jaipur concluded on Saturday, 23 July. A total of 25 staff from different departments had participated in the program where they were engaged in a series of sessions (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Visits Jokhang, Mosques and a Church in Leh, Ladakh

dimanche 24 juillet 2022 par Staff Reporter
– Shewatsel, Leh, Ladakh, UT, India – Having arrived in Ladakh on 15th July, His Holiness the Dalai Lama undertook his first public engagements today, making pilgrimages to the Jokhang, the principal Buddhist Temple in the centre of Leh, the Jama Masjid and Anjuman-e-Imamia mosques, (...)

Parution du Grand dictionnaire tibétain Monlam

dimanche 24 juillet 2022 par admin — Autres actualités, Parutions
Le Monlam Tibetan IT Research Center annonce la parution du Grand dictionnaire tibétain Monlam སྨོན་ལམ་ཚིག་མཛོད་ཆེན་མོ. Cette publication, fruit d’un travail collaboratif de 200 érudits, est disponible à la fois en ligne et hors ligne sur [...]

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