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News of a revered Tibetan Lama’s demise emerged amid China’s rigorous information lockdown

lundi 28 mars 2022 par Staff Reporter
News of the passing of a venerated Tibetan lama, who has spent years in a Chinese prison, emerged recently amid Chinese authorities’ heightened information lockdown campaign. The authorities reportedly restricted a number of devotees from attending the funeral and paying respects to the deceased (...)

Speaker Advises Expanding Translation Project of His Holiness The Dalai Lama’s Books

lundi 28 mars 2022 par Staff Reporter
Dharamsala: Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile and Sikyong Penpa Tsering of the Central Tibetan Administration along with Tibetan Parliamentarians Ven Thubten Wangchen and Thupten Gyatso from Europe launched seven books translated by the Tibetan Translation (...)

Poste en études religieuses

lundi 28 mars 2022 par admin — Autres actualités, Postes et bourses
L’Université de Bristol annonce le recrutement d’un.e professeur.e (Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Assistant Professor) en études religieuses avec un focus sur les études asiatiques, en particulier sur le bouddhisme et l’hindouisme. Le poste est à pourvoir pour septembre (...)

Sikyong and Parliament Speaker Release Books on His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Speeches and Writings

lundi 28 mars 2022 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: Sikyong Penpa Tsering and Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile released a series of seven books on His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s speeches and writings at the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA) on Sunday, 27 March. Tibetan Parliamentarians from (...)

China extends restrictions on Tibetan language use in apps, streaming services: Report

lundi 28 mars 2022 par Staff Reporter
Reported by ANI for The Print. Dharamshala (Himachal Pradesh) [India], March 28 (ANI): The Chinese government has extended its restrictions on the Tibetan language on various online platforms and video streaming services, said a media report. In its report, Phayul said that due to these (...)

Poste de Visiting Assistant Professor en Religions et Modernité globale

dimanche 27 mars 2022 par admin
L’Université Colgate, Etats-Unis, annonce le recrutement d’un.e Visiting Assistant Professor pour une durée de un an dans le département des religions. La date limite pour envoyer sa candidature est le 11 avril 2022. Pour de [...]

Bangalore’s Sowa Rigpa College celebrates 106th Founding Anniversary of Men-tsee-khang

samedi 26 mars 2022 par Staff Reporter
Bangalore: Men-Tsee-khang Sowa Rigpa College, Bangalore, celebrated its 106th Founding Anniversary of Men-tsee-khang on 25 March 2022. Chief Representative Jigmey Tsultrim of South Zone, Bangalore, was invited to the ceremony as a Chief Guest along with Dawa Tsering, the Principal of Dalai Lama (...)

In Pictures: Tibetan Primary health centres across India advocate a TB awareness campaign on World Tuberculosis day

samedi 26 mars 2022 par Staff Reporter
The post In Pictures: Tibetan Primary health centres across India advocate a TB awareness campaign on World Tuberculosis day appeared first on Central Tibetan Administration.

Poste de professeur en Bouddhisme tibétain à l’Université de Kathmandu

samedi 26 mars 2022 par admin — Autres actualités, Postes et bourses
L’Université de Kathmandu, Centre for Buddhist Studies at Rangjung Yeshe Institute, annonce le recrutement d’un.e professeur.e (Assistant Professor) en Bouddhisme tibétain avec une spécialisation dans la traduction. Le poste à est pourvoir pour août 2022 (...)

Taiwan’s Hsuan Chuang University Plans to Start Tibetology and Tibetan Buddhist Studies

samedi 26 mars 2022 par Staff Reporter
Taipei: The Centre for Tibetan Buddhist Studies at Xuanzang University in Taiwan held a meeting on 16 March to discuss the establishment of two courses related to Tibetan languages and Buddhism in the Department of Religion and Culture, and to discuss faculty and course offerings. The (...)

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