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Sikyong Congratulates New German Chancellor Olaf Scholz

jeudi 9 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: Sikyong Penpa Tsering of the Central Tibetan Administration today congratulated Olaf Scholz, the new Chancellor of Germany. Olaf Scholz was elected and sworn-in as Chancellor by the German Bundestag on Wednesday, 8 December. In his congratulatory letter, Sikyong wrote: “It is with (...)

Poste de professeur.e en anthropologie

jeudi 9 décembre 2021 par admin — Autres actualités, Parutions
L’Université d’Amsterdam annonce le recrutement d’un.e professeur.e en anthropologie visuelle.Le poste est à pourvoir pour la rentrée 2022/2023.La date limite pour soumettre sa candidature est le 31 janvier 2022. Pour de plus amples informations, voir (...)

Online meeting of Parliamentary group for Relations with Tibet in the Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas)

jeudi 9 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
London: On December 8, 2021, the Chair of the Parliamentary Group for Relations with Tibet in the Lithuanian Parliament called Seimas Dr. Andrius Navickas MP arranged a webinar on current Human Rights situation inside Tibet. The meeting was devoted to the International Human Rights Day on (...)

Tibetan Parliamentary Delegation to visit Delhi

jeudi 9 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: Concurring with the ongoing winter session of the Indian Parliament, a delegation of the Standing Committee of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile consisting of Parliamentarians Serta Tsultrim, Geshe Lharampa Gowo Lobsang Phende, Lhagyari Namgyal Dolkar, Geshe Atong Rinchen Gyaltsen, (...)

Speaker congratulates New German Chancellor Olaf Scholz

jeudi 9 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Dharamsala: Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel on behalf of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile and all Tibetans around the world, extended his sincere greetings to Olaf Scholz on being elected as the Chancellor. Congratulating the Chancellor, the Speaker wrote, “I am certain that you will lead your (...)

Speaker condoles the demise of Indian Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat

jeudi 9 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Dharamsala: Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, offered his heartfelt condolence on the sad demise of India’s Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat and his wife Madhulika Rawat to their daughter Mrs Kritika Rawat. The Speaker wrote, “We are deeply saddened to (...)

Speaker launches a book entitled ‘Sino-Tibetan Negotiation: Tottering at the End of 6-60 Long Way’

jeudi 9 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Dharamsala: Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, Speaker of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, launched a book entitled ‘Sino-Tibetan Negotiation: Tottering at the End of 6-60 Long Way’ in the hall of the Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA) on 8th December 2021. The book authored by Sherab Dhargyal (...)

China eyes bolstering mining across Tibet

jeudi 9 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Asia Times-by Dhondup Wangmo Before the invasion of Tibet by the People’s Republic of China (PRC), mining was rarely conducted in that region. Within the Tibetan cultural sphere, mining and ground disturbance are often said to remove “the bcud [nutrition or essence] of the earth, of which (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Congratulates New German Chancellor Olaf Scholz

jeudi 9 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India – In a letter congratulating Olaf Scholz on his election as Chancellor of Germany His Holiness the Dalai Lama wrote: “I am sure that with your understanding and pragmatism Germany will continue to develop economically and play a leading role in (...)

Journalists in China face ‘nightmare’ worthy of Mao era, press freedom group says

jeudi 9 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
The Guardian Xi Jinping has created a “nightmare” of media oppression worthy of the Mao era, and Hong Kong’s journalism is in “freefall”, according to Reporters Without Borders (RSF). In a major report released on Wednesday, the journalism advocacy group detailed the worsening treatment of (...)

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