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Second High Level Meeting Of The EU-US Dialogue On China Highlights Human Rights Violations In Tibet

vendredi 3 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Brussels, 03 December 2021: The second EU-US high-level meeting dialogue on China was held on 02 December in Washington. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy R. Sherman represented the US and the European External Action Service (EEAS) Secretary General Stefano Sannino represented the EU. They (...)

Twitter and Facebook hit back at Chinese propaganda campaigns

vendredi 3 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Paul Mozur for The New York Times Twitter and Facebook said they have removed thousands of accounts connected to Chinese information campaigns, in the latest sign of Beijing’s ambitions to shape the global narrative around the country. In a notice posted early Thursday, Twitter said that it took (...)

Han Chinese now hold most government posts in Tibet as Beijing extends control

vendredi 3 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Radio Free Asia-By Lobsang Gelek Han Chinese now outnumber Tibetans in top government posts in Tibet by more than 2-to-1, an indication, Tibetan sources say, of China’s push to dominate the region. Following Beijing’s installation of Wang Junzheng as Tibet’s party secretary on Oct. 19, only four (...)

Chinese authorities restrict what Tibetan children read about Dalai Lama

vendredi 3 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
3 December 2021 – Beijing: Chinese authorities in Qinghai province have started restricting Tibetan children about what they read about spiritual leader Dalai Lama. Authorities in northwestern China’s Qinghai province have ramped up efforts to vilify the Dalai Lama, now (...)

Namgyal Choedup takes charge as Representative of Washington’s Office of Tibet

vendredi 3 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Washington DC: As per the appointment circular issued by the Kashag Secretariat dated 19 November, Mr Namgyal Choedup formally took charge as the new Representative of Washington’s Office of Tibet from outgoing Representative Kasur Ngodup Tsering during a brief ceremony held at the office on (...)

Sikyong addresses Tibetans in Dekyiling Settlement

vendredi 3 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: As a part of his official visits to the Tibetan settlements in Dehradun, Sikyong Penpa Tsering addressed the Tibetan settlers of Dekyiling on 30 November following his visits to Rajpur, Sakya Chogar, TWC and Rajpur Homes School. Speaking to the Tibetan settlers of Dekyiling, (...)

88th Taskforce Briefing: concerns over new variant ‘Omicron’ is raised

vendredi 3 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: Addressing the 88th Central Taskforce briefing on covid 19, Tenzin Kunsang, Deputy Secretary of the Department of Health, informed about the new virus strain labelled Omicron, which is reportedly causing concern worldwide. However, studies on the new variant by the scientist are (...)

New Tibetan bilingual website claims to ‘decode CCP, explain Chinese govt’s hidden agenda’

vendredi 3 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Tenzin Zompa for The Print New Delhi: The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) launched a new bilingual (English and Tibetan) website — Decoding CCP — Thursday, which claims to explain and decipher the meaning and connotations of key official jargon and slogans used by the (...)

Parution de : Taming the Poisonous. Mercury, Toxicity, and Safety in Tibetan Medical Practice

jeudi 2 décembre 2021 par admin — Autres actualités, Parutions
L’Université de Heidelberge annonce la parution de la monographie : Taming the Poisonous. Mercury, Toxicity, and Safety in Tibetan Medical Practice Par Barbara Gerke (Université de Vienne) Résumé de l’ouvrage : This rich ethnographic and (...)

Sikyong Visits Tibetan Women’s Center in Rajpur

jeudi 2 décembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Dehradun: After completing his official visit to Delhi, Sikyong arrived in Dehradun on 30 November for the second leg of his official trip to Delhi, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh. At Dehradun, Sikyong first visited the Sakya Chogar monastery to offer his prayers. Sikyong then visited the (...)

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