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Recrutement d’un.e webmestre

lundi 22 novembre 2021 par admin — Autres actualités, Postes et bourses
L’UAR 2999 Etudes asiatiques du CNRS recrute un.e webmestre pour réaliser les contenus et leur mise en ligne sur les sites web des GIS Asie, GIS Afrique et GIS Moyen-Orient pour un CDD de 6 mois. La date limite pour envoyer sa (...)

China could be preparing for ‘water war’ in Asia after completing serial dams in Tibet

lundi 22 novembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Major floods in several parts of South and Southeast Asia this year are a wake-up call for countries such as India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Thailand among others. Experts said that such floods could become a regular feature and that countries in the region must get together to resolve one of (...)

‘The Fractured Himalaya’ Rightly Returns Tibet to the Centre Stage of India-China Conflict

dimanche 21 novembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Kyle Gardner – Published in The Wire, 17 November 2021 Arriving just ahead of the 60th anniversary of the Sino-Indian War, Nirupama Rao’s The Fractured Himalaya examines the consequential 13 years that preceded 1962, a period that has shaped and constrained relations between the two countries (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Expresses Concern About the Effects of Heavy Rainfall in Andhra Pradesh

dimanche 21 novembre 2021 par Staff Reporter Thekchen Chöling, Dharamsala, HP, India – Concerned about the incessant, heavy rains in several districts of Andhra Pradesh that have caused loss of life, damage to property and brought hardship to so many people, His Holiness the Dalai Lama has written to the Chief Minister, Y S (...)

Poste de professeur en histoire et culture à l’Université baptiste de Hong Kong

dimanche 21 novembre 2021 par admin — Autres actualités, Postes et bourses
L’Université baptiste de Hong Kong annonce le recrutement d’un.e professeur.e en histoire et culture de l’Asie surdifférentes zones culturelles, y compris le Tibet.Pour plus de renseignements, voir la page de l’annonce :

Conférence de Cécile Ducher : The Ngok Lineage: The Little-known Successors of Marpa Lotsaba (1000?–1081?, Tib. Mar pa lo tsā ba) and their Influence in Central and Eastern Tibet during the Early Second Millennium

samedi 20 novembre 2021 par admin — Autres conférences et colloques, Conférences
Le projet ERC BuddhistRoad (Université de Bochum), annonce la tenue de la conférence suivante : The Ngok Lineage: The Little-known Successors of Marpa Lotsaba (1000?–1081?, Tib. Mar pa lo tsā ba) and their Influence in Central and (...)

TPI hosts first-ever panel discussion on Prominent Historical Figures of Tibet

samedi 20 novembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: The inaugural session of the 1st symposium on Tibet’s Prominent Historical Figures was held this morning here in Dharamshala at Sarah College for Higher Tibetan Studies. The conference organised by the Tibet Policy Institute (TPI) of the Central Tibetan Administration was attended (...)

Cornyn Leads U.S. Congressional Delegation to India

samedi 20 novembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Published on – 15 November 2021 U.S. Senator and India Caucus Co-Chair John Cornyn (R-TX) returned yesterday from leading a congressional delegation (CODEL) to India and other countries in southeast Asia. The delegation, which included Senators Mike Crapo (R-ID), Mike Lee (...)

Evénement TibArmy : Conflict in a Buddhist Society: Tibet under the Dalai Lamas

Dans le cadre du projet ERC TibArmy, le Professeur Peter Schwieger (Université de Bonn) présentera son dernier ouvrage : Conflict in a Buddhist Society: Tibet under the Dalai Lamas Jeudi 9 décembre 17h30 La présentation [...]

State Violates Citizens Rights During the Chinese President’s 2016 Visit: Czech Court Rules

vendredi 19 novembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Geneva: On 18 November, the Czech court pronounced final judgement against Czech Republic’s restriction on staging peaceful demonstrations in protest against the Chinese President Xi Jinping visits in Prague on 28th March 2016. The Czech court ruled in favour of democratic rights and announced (...)

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