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His Holiness the Dalai Lama to give teaching on Cultivating a Good Heart

mardi 9 novembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: His Holiness the Dalai Lama will give a talk on Cultivating a Good Heart at the request of the Foreign Correspondents Club of Japan and Tibet House Japan on 10 November 2021. The teaching will start from 9 AM-10 AM followed by a question and answer session. Those interested may (...)

Post-doctorat en linguistique tibétaine à Cambridge

lundi 8 novembre 2021 par admin — Autres actualités, Postes et bourses
L’université de Cambridge, dans le cadre du projet “Emergence of Egophoricity” piloté par Nathan Hill, annonce le recrutement d’un.e post-doctorant.e en linguistique tibétaine pour une durée de 38 mois. Date limite pour envoyer sa candidature (...)

Speaker of Tibetan Parliament addresses 82nd birthday celebration of Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche, former Kalon Tripa

lundi 8 novembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: The Indo-Tibetan Friendship Association, Bharat Tibbat Sahyog Manch, Utsang Association, Domey Association, Global Tibetan People’s Movement for Middle Way Approach, and Tibetan Women Association jointly organised the 82nd birth anniversary of former Kalon Tripa Prof. Samdhong (...)

Education Department’s Terminology Section Explains Standardisation of Tibetan Terminology to Settlement Officers

lundi 8 novembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Dharamshala: The Terminology section under the Department of Education, CTA, held an awareness programme to Tibetan Settlement Officers on 8 November about how the section standardises terminologies and its overall functions. At 9 am of the same day, Mr Trinley, the Acting Director of (...)

The Phantoms of Chittagong: The unsung Tibetan heroes of the 1971 Bangladesh liberation war

lundi 8 novembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Firstpost (By Claude Arpi-November 08, 2021) On 50th anniversary of the liberation of Bangladesh, we need to recall one of the best-kept secrets of the war: The role played by the Special Frontier Force, a highly trained Tibetan regiment based in today’s Uttarakhand, in the Chittagong Hills. We (...)

Xi Jinping to lay out vision for China’s future – and past – at key meeting

lundi 8 novembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Vicent Ni, Helen Davidson – The Guardian – 8 November 2021 A meeting of hundreds of members of China’s political elite, which is expected to further consolidate the power of president Xi Jinping, has opened in Beijing. The closed-door, four-day meeting of the ruling Chinese Communist party’s (...)

Tibetan Community in Belgium Takes Centre Stage in the Latin America Food and Cultural Festival in Antwerp

lundi 8 novembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Brussels: In its first participation in Barrio Latino ( Latino neighbourhood or quarter in Spanish), a Latin American food and cultural festival, the Tibetan community took the centre stage. Organised indoors in the port area of Antwerp by Ms Adalys and Ms Karina, the Tibetan community in (...)

Domey Association in Belgium Celebrates His Holiness’s Birthday Belatedly in Leuven

dimanche 7 novembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Leuven: The Domey Association of Belgium celebrated His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s birthday in Leuven, an eastern city in Belgium, yesterday on Saturday, November 6. The delayed celebration is due to the world that has been turned topsy-turvy by the pandemic. The uncertainty and danger still lurk (...)

Parution de : Nonsectarianism (ris med) in 19th- and 20th-Century Eastern Tibet

dimanche 7 novembre 2021 par admin — Autres actualités, Parutions
Brill annonce la publication de l’ouvrage suivant : Nonsectarianism (ris med) in 19th- and 20th-Century Eastern Tibet. Religious Diffusion and Cross-fertilization beyond the Reach of the Central Tibetan Government sous la direction de Klaus-Dieter Mathes (...)

Sikyong Launches 16th Kashag’s Flagship Initiative – Voluntary Tibet Advocacy Group (V-TAG)

dimanche 7 novembre 2021 par Staff Reporter
Zurich: Sikyong Penpa Tsering of the Central Tibetan Administration launched the 16 Kashag’s new flagship initiative Voluntary Tibet Advocacy Group (V-TAG) from Zurich on 6 November. The launch took place at a public meeting between the Sikyong and the Tibetan community of Switzerland and (...)

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