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Sikyong addresses the 13th Administrative Conference of Tibetan Settlement Officers

lundi 26 octobre 2020 par Intern Writer
Dharamshala: Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay delivered the keynote address at the 13th conference of Tibetan Settlement Officers organised via teleconference by the Department of Home ealier on Monday. Highlighting the global-scale disruption caused by the Wuhan-originated pandemic to social, (...)

Intelligence guided by warmheartedness key to happier individuals and therefore world: His Holiness the Dalai Lama

lundi 26 octobre 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Dharamshala: Today, His Holiness the Dalai Lama was invited by the India International Centre (IIC) and the Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (FURHHDL) to speak about India’s heritage of ‘karuna’ and ‘ahimsa’, and to answer … Continued The post Intelligence (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama commends United Nations and 50 member states on nuclear ban treaty

lundi 26 octobre 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Dharamshala: Fifty countries have ratified an international treaty to ban nuclear weapons allowing the historic text to enter into force in 90 days. Nobel peace laureate and lifelong advocate for nuclear disarmament, His Holiness the Dalai Lama welcomed the news, hailing the … Continued The (...)

Bourse doctorale de 4 ans en études bouddhiques à LMU – Munich

lundi 26 octobre 2020 par admin — Autres actualités, Postes et bourses
Le programme doctorale en études bouddhiques de la Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, annonce deux bourses doctorales en études bouddhiques pour un doctorat commençant [...]

Cycle Conférences SFEMT 2020/2021 : 14 décembre John Harrison

lundi 26 octobre 2020 par admin — Conférences & événements SFEMT, Cycle de conférences SFEMT
La SFEMT a le plaisir d’annoncer la tenue, dans le cadre du Cycle Conférences SFEMT 2020/2021, de la conférence suivante [...]

ITCO pays homage to late Martial Adv. Vimalsurya Chimankar, Samta Sainik Dal (SSD)

lundi 26 octobre 2020 par Tenzin Choetso
Nagpur: Undeterred by the existent pandemic situation throughout India and particularly in Nagpur while maintaining the precautionary standards, Sh. Dhondup Gyalpo, Tibetan Settlement Officer, Norgyeling, Bhandara; Sh. Sandesh Meshram, Regional Convener, Core Group for Tibetan Cause-India; and (...)

Homage to late Martial Adv. Vimalsurya Chimankar, Samta Sainik Dal (SSD)

lundi 26 octobre 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
23rd October 2020, NAGPUR: Mr Dhondup Gyalpo, Tibetan Settlement Officer, Norgyeling, Bhandara; Sh. Sandesh Meshram, Regional Convener, Core Group for Tibetan Cause-India; and Coordinator for ITCO visited the Central Office of Samta Sainik Dal, Nagpur to offer condolence over the … Continued (...)

Tibetan Parliamentarians meet Tibet supporters

lundi 26 octobre 2020 par Tenzin Choetso
Dharamshala: Deputy Speaker Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok along with Standing Committee member Parliamentarian Ngawang Tharpa and staff members of Parliamentary Secretariat officially attended a ceremonial event of Shri Swaroop Kumar Sharma’s daughter Priyanka today. Shri Swaroop Kumar is a well-known (...)

10th Phuntsokling, Orissa Local Assembly sworn in

lundi 26 octobre 2020 par Tenzin Choetso
Orissa: As per request from Election Commission to hold an oath-taking ceremony, Chief Justice Commissioner Sonam Norbu Dagpo has appointed former settlement officer Choenor Samdup as the acting Tibetan Local Justice Commissioner to administer the oath as per Tibetan Charter in Exile’s Article (...)

Core Group for Tibetan Cause-India undertakes condolence visit to family of late Sh. Harish Adyalkar

lundi 26 octobre 2020 par Intern Writer
23rd October 2020 NAGPUR: As the world experienced one of the worst hit pandemic situation in the beginning of 21st century originated from China’s Wuhan city, not knowing about the factual cause of virus and its mystery – simply adding … Continued The post Core Group for Tibetan Cause-India (...)

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