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CTA Wuhan COVID-19 Task Force Updates| 15 May 2020

vendredi 15 mai 2020 par Intern Writer
Dharamshala: Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay and Health Kalon Choekyong Wangchuk chaired the routine Friday briefing of the CTA Wuhan-COVID-19 Task Force Committee to review the latest status and measures underway in tackling the COVID-19 situation in Tibetan settlements in India, … Continued The (...)

Tibet This Week -15 May, 2020

vendredi 15 mai 2020 par Sakina Batt
The post Tibet This Week -15 May, 2020 appeared first on Central Tibetan Administration.

Italian Parliamentarians urge China to release Tibet’s 11th Panchen Lama Gedhun Choekyi Nyima

vendredi 15 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Geneva: In their statement, the Parliamentarians expressed serious concern over the continued abduction of Tibet’s 11th Panchen Lama Gedhun Choekyi Nyima by China which is “a serious human rights issue, in particular, the violation of Tibetan people’s right to freedom … Continued The post Italian (...)

SENATORS OF CZECH REPUBLIC: Call Upon China to Release Tibet’s Panchen Lama

vendredi 15 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Geneva: 16 Czech Senators including the 1st Vice-President of the Czech Republic Senat Jiri Ruzicka sign a joint statement calling for the release of Panchen Lama. Marking the 25th year of the enforced disappearance of the 11th Panchen Lama of … Continued The post SENATORS OF CZECH REPUBLIC: (...)

US senator unveils 18-point plan to hold China accountable for coronavirus outbreak

vendredi 15 mai 2020 par Tenzin Choetso
The Economic Times. Read the original article here. WASHINGTON: A top US senator has unveiled an 18-point plan, including enhancing military ties with India, to hold the Chinese government accountable for its “lies, deception, and cover-ups” that ultimately led to … Continued The post US senator (...)

Feds warn Chinese hackers targeting U.S. coronavirus research

vendredi 15 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
The alert warns that organizations getting press attention for their research could face more attacks. Mark Wilson/Getty Images By TIM STARKS| Politico| 13 May 2020| Read original news here The FBI and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency warned today that Chinese … (...)

CTA announces zero-interest loan for Tibetan sweater-seller businesses in Green zones

vendredi 15 mai 2020 par Intern Writer
Dharamshala: Sikyong in his routine Thursday COVID-19 press briefing, addressed the ongoing situation with the pandemic, highlighting the role of individual responsibility in combatting the disease. He cited the example of the outbreak within China, observing that it followed a … Continued The (...)

Czech Members of Chamber of Deputies Join the Global Campaign Pressing China to Release of Tibet’s Panchen Lama

jeudi 14 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Geneva: “On the 25th year of enforced disappearance of Tibet’s 11th Panchen Lama Gendhun Choekyi Nyima, we the undersigned members of parliament of Czech Republic call for his immediate release along with his entire family and other Tibetan political prisoners” … Continued The post Czech Members (...)

CTA Approves Rupees 3.3 crores (33 million) for Wuhan COVID-19 Program

jeudi 14 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Dharamshala: The CTA has made available INR 3.3 crore for Wuhan COVID-19 programs benefitting Tibetan communities in India and Nepal. INR 24,340,514 are for activities in India while the community in Nepal receives NPR 13,757,974. Support for this effort is … Continued The post CTA Approves (...)

10th session of 16th Tibetan parliament to be held from 16 to 24 September 2020

jeudi 14 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Dharamshala: The 10th session of the 16th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile will be held from 16 to 24 September according to an announcement from the Tibetan Parliamentary Secretariat today. Members of the Tibetan Parliament have been requested to register their attendance on … Continued The post (...)

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