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25 Years After ‘Disappearing’ Tibetan Panchen Lama, China Is No Nearer to Its Goal

samedi 16 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
By Sophie Richardson| The Diplomat| May 15, 2020| Read the article here. May 17 marks 25 years since Chinese security forces took away a 6-year-old Tibetan child, Gendun Choeki Nyima, and his parents from a remote town in Tibet. They have not … Continued The post 25 Years After (...)

Remarks by Kalon Ven Karma Gelek Yuthok, Vice President of IBC at the conclusion of Global Prayer Week

samedi 16 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Dharamshala: Following is the remarks delivered by Ven. Karma Gelek Yuthok, Kalon for Religion and Culture, CTA and a Vice-President of the International Buddhist Confederation (IBC) for the Concluding Event of Global Prayer Week initiated by IBC, 16 May 2020: … Continued The post Remarks by (...)

Italian Parliamentarians record video message for Panchen Lama’s Release

samedi 16 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Geneva: Senator Roberto Rampi, On. Luciano Nobili and On Matteo Luigi Bianchi, three Italian Parliamentarians and strong supporters of Tibet record video messages marking the 25th year of the enforced disappearance of 11th Panchen Lama Gedhun Choekyi Nyima. Calling … Continued The post Italian (...)

Czech Parliamentarians record video message marking the 25th year of Enforced Disappearance of Tibet’s Panchen Lama by China

samedi 16 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Geneva: Four Czech Parliamentarians recorded video messages marking the 25th year of the enforced disappearance of 11th Panchen Lama Gedhun Choekyi Nyima. Senator Premysl Rabas, Chair of Czech Parliamentarian Group for Tibet, in his video message called upon the Chinese … Continued The post (...)

His Holiness advises developing inner peace based on love and compassion to overcome stress

samedi 16 mai 2020 par Intern Writer
Dharamshala: Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama after a three-month-long break from all engagements since the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic, today began two-day live teaching on tackling negative emotions of fear and anxiety precipitated by the global health crisis. … Continued (...)

Statement of Estonian Parliamentary group for Tibet on the 11th Panchen Lama

samedi 16 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Statement of the Tibet Support Group of the Riigikogu on the 25th anniversary of the Enforced Disappearance of the 11th Panchen Lama, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima: The Tibet Support Group of the Riigikogu calls for the release of the Panchen Lama … Continued The post Statement of Estonian Parliamentary (...)

German Parliamentarians: China release Panchen Lama and enter into serious dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama

samedi 16 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Geneva: Four Parliamentarians of Germany who are also the Human Rights Policy Committee spokespersons for the four largest German parties in the Bundestag, Mr. Michael Brand (CDU/CSU: Christian Democratic Union of Germany/ The Christian Social Union in Bavaria), Mr. Frank Schwabe … Continued (...)

Why there are two Panchen Lamas, and one is missing

samedi 16 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
China’s atheist ruling party wants to pick Tibetan Buddhist leaders The Economist| May 14th 2020| Read the article here To the great wall of mutual suspicion and recrimination that divides China and the United States, the American Senate is adding another brick. … Continued The post Why (...)

Amb Brownback presses China to free Panchen Lama, says ‘no right to appoint Next Dalai Lama’

vendredi 15 mai 2020 par Tenzin Saldon
Washington DC: Morgan Deann Ortagus, a spokesperson for the United States Department of State, interviewed Sam Brownback, the Ambassador for International Religious Freedom and consistent supporter of Tibetan human rights. In April, Ambassador Brownback called for the swift release of religious (...)

CTA Wuhan COVID-19 Task Force Updates| 15 May 2020

vendredi 15 mai 2020 par Intern Writer
Dharamshala: Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay and Health Kalon Choekyong Wangchuk chaired the routine Friday briefing of the CTA Wuhan-COVID-19 Task Force Committee to review the latest status and measures underway in tackling the COVID-19 situation in Tibetan settlements in India, … Continued The (...)

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