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His Holiness the Dalai Lama Congratulates President-Elect of Finland, Alexander Stubb

mardi 13 février 2024 par Dawa Tsering
– Dharamshala: His Holiness the Dalai Lama has written to Alexander Stubb to congratulate him on having been elected the next President of Finland. “It has been an honour for me to have been able to visit your beautiful country several times over the years,” he wrote. “I deeply (...)

Post-doctorat : Nouveaux modes de gouvernance des populations en Asie orientale

mardi 13 février 2024 par admin — Autres actualités, Postes et bourses
L’EHESS, pour le compte du LabEx TEPSIS, annonce le recrutement d’un. post-doctorant.e sur le thème de recherche suivant : Nouveaux modes de gouvernance des populations en Asie orientale La durée du contrat est de 1 [...]

Delhi-based Ambassadors, Deputy Chiefs of Mission, and Diplomats from Various Countries Celebrate Losar at Bureau Office

mardi 13 février 2024 par Dawa Tsering
Delhi: A modest traditional celebration of Tibetan New Year took place at the office of the Bureau of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, which was made even more special by the distinguished presence of Ambassadors, Deputy Chiefs of Mission (DCMs), and diplomats from various countries based in New (...)

Champion of Tibetan Resettlement Project, Congressman Barney Frank, Honoured at Tibetan Losar Celebration

mardi 13 février 2024 par Dawa Tsering
Massachusetts: In a heartwarming ceremony during the Tibetan Losar Celebration of the 2151 Wood Dragon year, Congressman Barney Frank was honoured by the Regional Tibetan Association of Massachusetts for his pivotal role in the resettlement of Tibetan refugees in the United States. The event (...)

Dhargyeling Tibetan Settlement Officer Calls on Deputy Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh

mardi 13 février 2024 par Rangzen Dolma
Tezu: Dhargyeling Settlement Officer Kunga Jigme accompanied by the Chair of the Local Tibetan Assembly, and representatives of the Lhagon Jangchup Choeling Monastery paid a courtesy call on the Honourable Deputy Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh, Chowna Mein on 12 February 2024 which (...)

Tibetans in Japan Celebrate Losar with Japanese Friends in Tokyo

mardi 13 février 2024 par Rangzen Dolma
Tokyo:Tibetans in Japan celebrated the Tibetan New Year, Losar, with Japanese supporters and friends in Tokyo. The Tibetan Community in Japan and Tashi Delek Restaurant organised various events for the first two days of Losar. Tashi Delek restaurant held talk events and presented Tibetan (...)

Lithuanian Friends of Tibet Celebrates Tibetan Losar

lundi 12 février 2024 par Rangzen Dolma
Vilnius: On the eve of Tibetan Royal Year 2151, Tibet Square in Vilnius, an interesting hub of Tibet-related activities in Lithuania, was brought alive by the Lithuanian friends of Tibet, in a show of solidarity with Tibetans, with traditional Tibetan decorations along with artistic creation of (...)

Dans les pas d’Alexandra David-Neel : expositions, spectacle, conférences

lundi 12 février 2024 par admin — Autres actualités, Vie culturelle
La ville de Rumilly (Haute Savoie) annonce une série d’événements autour d’Alexandra David-Neel qui se déroulent au mois de février et mars 2024. Pour de plus amples informations sur le programme, voir la page dédiée: [...]

Joyeux losar !

samedi 10 février 2024 par admin — Autres actualités, Vie culturelle

Central Tibetan Administration Celebrates Tibetan Losar – the Year of Wood Dragon

samedi 10 février 2024 par Dawa Tsering
Dharamshala:་In the early morning of the on the First Day of Tibetan Losar (10 February 2024), Officiating Sikyong Norzin Dolma, the Kalon of Department of Information and International Relations, and Deputy Speaker Dolma Tsering from the Tibetan Parliament in Exile preside over the celebration. (...)

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