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Speaker Ven. Khenpo Tenphel to make an offcial visit to Bangalore

Dharamshala: A joint celebration to thank both the people and the government of Karnataka by its five Tibetan settlements will be held at Bangalore on 10 August. The celebratory occasion will be graced by the presence of His Holiness the … (...)

Indian Muslims Must Promote Religious Harmony Between Shias and Sunnis: His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Ladakh: His Holiness visited the Chushot Yokma Imam Barga Mosque on August 2. The community representative expressed hope for organising a conference of Muslims in Delhi later this year, in light of His Holiness’ advice on maintaining harmony among different … (...)

China Tears Down Tibetan Homes, Business at Qinghai Lake

samedi 4 août 2018 par Tenzin Jigme — News From Other Sites, China, Demolitions, Enviroment, Tibet, Tibet Autonomous Region, Tibetan
Authorities in northwestern China’s Qinghai province are demolishing restaurants, shops, and guesthouses set up by Tibetans for tourists near scenic Qinghai Lake, resulting in severe financial hardship for those affected, according to a local source. The destruction began in early … (...)

One Step closer to Predicting Tibet’s Devastating Quakes

samedi 4 août 2018 par Tenzin Jigme — News From Other Sites, China, Tibet, Tibetan, Tibetan plateau
By Alice Shen, South China Morning Post The Scientists in the United States led by a Chinese geologist have made a discovery that could help explain why the Tibetan plateau is a centre for seismic activity and assist in predicting … (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama at EJM college in Leh

samedi 4 août 2018 par Tenzin Phende — Flash Mobile, Photo's of the Day, Dalai Lama, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tibet, Tibetan

Saturday Shoutout: CTA Civil Servant Karma Dhargyal

Every first Saturday of the month, as a part of its shout-out campaign, DIIR’s Social Media Desk profiles a civil servant of Central Tibetan Administration. This week we are pleased to profile Karma Dhargyal, Director at India Tibet Coordination Office, … (...)

Job Vacancy: Required Account Head, Primary Tibetan Teacher, Warden cum Store Keeper

vendredi 3 août 2018 par Tenzin Jigme — Announcements, Department of Education
The Sambhota Tibetan Schools Society invites application for the following vacant posts. Interested candidates can send in their application along with their CV by 15th August 2018 at the below email address. S No. POST PLACE QUALIFICATION NO. OF … (...)

Tibet This Week – 03 August, 2018

vendredi 3 août 2018 par Sakina Batt — Flash Mobile, Video of the Day

Poste d’enseignant de tibétain à Oxford

vendredi 3 août 2018 par admin
L’Université de Oxford cherche un enseignant de tibétain pour assurer les cours de tibétain parlé, lecture de textes, traduction etc. [...]

Poste de professeur en anthropologie culturelle et sociale à l’Université de Erlangen

mercredi 1er août 2018 par admin — Autres actualités, Postes et bourses
L’université de Erlangen, Allemagne, offre, dans le cadre du programme “Standards of Decision-Making Across Cultures”, un poste de professeur (associate [...]

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