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67 Chinese intellectuals, experts and journalists express support for Middle Way Approach

DHARAMSHALA: 67 Chinese scholars, activists, policy experts, journalists and individuals from across the globe have signed a Letter of Solidarity, expressing support for the Middle Way Approach of the Central Tibetan Administration and called on the Chinese government to resume … (...)

Tibetan Settlement Officer of Dalhousie meets Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh

mardi 5 juin 2018 par Jamphel Shonu — Flash Mobile, News Flash
DALHOUSIE, HP: Rabten Tsering, Tibetan settlement officer of Dalhousie met Shri Jairam Thakur, Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, on 1 June 2018. The settlement officer, accompanied by representatives of Tibetan organizations from the settlement, met the chief minister to present … (...)

Updated: Tibet TV Take-Off Film Grant-2018

mardi 5 juin 2018 par Tenzin Saldon — Flash Mobile, News Flash, Tibet TV
Tibet TV’s Take-off Film Grant to Produce Seven Films Themed Around ‘Thank You Year-2018’ Tibet TV of the Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR), Central Tibetan Administration is announcing a Take-Off film grant to encourage budding Tibetan filmmakers in … (...)

Tibet Museum Holds Photo Exhibition at Kamrao Tibetan Settlement

mardi 5 juin 2018 par Tenzin Saldon — Reports from CTA Offices, Tibet Museum
KAMRAO: To commemorate the 60th year of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s arrival in India, the Tibet Museum of the Department of Information and International Relations, Central Tibetan Administration, showcased photo exhibition featuring two different themes: India and Tibet – … (...)

Tibetans are most successful refugee community: Dalai Lama

mardi 5 juin 2018 par Tenzin Saldon — News From Other Sites
The Statesman, 5 June 2018 Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama on Monday said that the Tibetans are the most successful refugee community as all of them had shouldered their responsibility sincerely. Addressing a group of 15 Tibetan volunteers at the … (...)

How to Ace CBSE Board Exam: Exclusive Interview with CBSE Class 12 Toppers

mardi 5 juin 2018 par Tenzin Saldon — Flash Mobile, News Flash, CBSE, Department of Education
The Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi declared the results of AISSCE 2018 on Saturday, 26 May. Out of 1193 students from Tibetan schools across the country, Tenzin Tobden of TCV Bylakuppe, Tenzin Tsundue of TCV Selakui and Kachok Dolma, … (...)

A 1986 World Environment Day message from the Dalai Lama

mardi 5 juin 2018 par Jamphel Shonu — Flash Mobile, News Flash
An Ethical Approach to Environmental Protection Peace and the survival of life on earth as we know it are threatened by human activities which lack a commitment to humanitarian values. Destruction of nature and nature resources results from ignorance, greed … (...)

Representative Ngodup Tsering Attends 25th Anniversary of Tibetan Resettlement in Vermont

mardi 5 juin 2018 par Jamphel Shonu — Flash Mobile, News Flash
VERMONT: Representative Ngodup Tsering of OOT Washington DC, attended the silver jubilee celebration of Tibetan resettlement project in Vermont on 2 June 2018 as the chief guest. This is the first celebration of its kind regarding the Tibetan resettlement project … (...)

Tibet Corps Volunteers Receive Audience with His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Aides et prix de la Fondation Flora Blanchon

lundi 4 juin 2018 par admin — Autres actualités, Postes et bourses
La Fondation Flora Blanchon lance deux appels : un appel pour aides aux doctorants ou post-doctorants pour un séjour afin [...]

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