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Thank You Taiwan Billboards Adorn Major Taipei Roads

vendredi 12 janvier 2018 par Tenzin Saldon — Flash Mobile, News Flash, Office of Tibet, Taiwan
Taipei, Taiwan: Following the release of 2018 Desk Calendar titled Thank You Taiwan, the International Association of Tibetan Buddhist Dharma, Taiwan, in collaboration with the Office of Tibet, has now placed Thank You Taiwan billboards on all major roads in … (...)

Tibetan PM-in-exile cautions India against China

jeudi 11 janvier 2018 par Jamphel Shonu — News From Other Sites
Tibetan “Prime Minister-in-exile” Lobsang Sangay on Thursday cautioned New Delhi against China’s deceptive policies, warning that what happened to Tibet could happen to India as well. “The Doklam stand-off and the repeated cross-border incursion of Chinese soldiers into Indian territories … (...)

China opposes U.S. pro-Taiwan bills welcomed by Taipei

jeudi 11 janvier 2018 par Tenzin Saldon — News From Other Sites
Reuters, 11 January 2018 Read original story here BEIJING (Reuters) – China on Thursday expressed firm opposition to a decision by the U.S. House of Representatives to pass two pieces of pro-Taiwan legislation, but Taipei welcomed them as helping to … (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama meeting with members of the Tibetan community

jeudi 11 janvier 2018 par Tenzin Phende — Flash Mobile, Photo's of the Day, Dalai Lama, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tibet, Tibetan

CTA President Meets Visiting Media Delegation of Himachal Pradesh

jeudi 11 janvier 2018 par Jamphel Shonu — Flash Mobile, News Flash, CTA President
DHARAMSHALA: About 40 editors, reporters and camerapersons representing the media fraternity of Himachal Pradesh called on CTA President Dr Lobsang Sangay at the Kashag secretariat today. The media persons who are mostly from the state capital Shimla are in Dharamshala … (...)

Tibet Museum Holds Workshop on Museology

jeudi 11 janvier 2018 par Tenzin Saldon — Reports from CTA Offices, Tibet Museum
DHARAMSHALA: A training workshop on Museology took place on 10 January at Conference Hall in Norbulingka Insititute, Dharamshala under the leadership of Mr Tashi Phuntsok, Director of The Tibet Museum, DIIR. Joined by Nicole M. Crawford, Curator of Collections Art … (...)

How China Used a Times Documentary as Evidence Against Its Subject

jeudi 11 janvier 2018 par Tenzin Saldon — News From Other Sites
During the eight years I lived in China, people would often say they felt as if they had no voice under Communist Party rule. This was especially true for minorities. So when Tashi Wangchuk, a Tibetan herder turned shopkeeper, showed … (...)

21st century should be for dialogue: Dalai Lama

jeudi 11 janvier 2018 par Tenzin Saldon — News From Other Sites, Dalai Lama
IANS, 10 January 2018 Read original story here Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama on Wednesday said the 21st century should be one of dialogue and all human beings must think about humanity at the global level. “For building a better … (...)

Photo Story: Lhakar Exploration that Led to Chunchun Project

mercredi 10 janvier 2018 par Tenzin Phende — Flash Mobile, News Flash, Dharamshala, India, Tibet, Tibetan
After being on a month-long assignment in South of India to cover His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s teaching, the sense of warm embracing sun seems to be a bit missing here in Dharamsala. A new day, a greeting sun rose … Continued

Only education can serve to promote more peaceful and compassionate world, His Holiness the Dalai Lama at National Teachers’ Congress

PUNE: 21st century should imbibe peace, dialogue, disarmament and oneness of humanity. In order to create peaceful century, first we need to promote compassionate mind through education, His Holiness the Dalai Lama exhorted 5000 plus teachers of post graduate and … (...)

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