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Allocation de terrain EFEO premier semestre 2018

lundi 30 octobre 2017 par admin — Autres actualités, Postes et bourses
L’École française d’Extrême-Orient (EFEO) propose des allocations de terrain permettant aux étudiants d’effectuer un séjour d’étude en Asie dans les [...]

Conférence TibArmy : Winning the Peace: The Aftermath of the Tibet-Ladakh War of 1679-1683 and the Reorganisation of Western Tibet

samedi 28 octobre 2017 par admin — Autres conférences et colloques, Conférences
Cycle de conférences mensuelles du projet ERC TibArmy Mercredi 15 novembre 2017, 17h30-19h00 INALCO (65, rue des Grands Moulins), salle [...]

Education Department Holds Talk Series on Secular Ethics

mercredi 25 octobre 2017 par Tenzin Saldon — Reports from CTA Offices, Department of Education, Secular Ethics
Dharamshala: Geshe Yeshi Gyaltsen, lecturer on Secular Ethics of the Bangalore-based Dalai Lama Institute for Higher Education gave series of talk on Secular Ethics in and around Dharamshala from 17 to 24 October. 11 trainees and teachers of the DoE’s Montessori … (...)

CTA President Presents Tibet TV Film Grant Award 2017 to Three Finalists

DHARAMSHALA: President Dr Lobsang Sangay of the Central Tibetan Administration today presented the Tibet TV Film Grant award 2017 to the three finalists at a press conference held today at DIIR’s Lhakpa Tsering Memorial Hall. The three finalists are Thupten … (...)

Chinese Communist Party Vows to ‘Sinicize Religions’ in China

mercredi 25 octobre 2017 par Tenzin Saldon — News From Other Sites
By Charlotte Gao, The Diplomat, 25 October 2017 Chinese President Xi Jinping has launched a campaign to tighten China’s grip on the religious community since 2016. Against that backdrop, the United Front Work Department (UFWD) — the agency within the Chinese … (...)

CTA President Inaugurates Annual Workshop on Tibetan Medicare System

mercredi 25 octobre 2017 par Tenzin Saldon — Flash Mobile, News Flash, Department of Health
Dharamshala: President Dr Lobsang Sangay, Central Tibetan Administration today inaugurated a 3-day workshop on the Tibetan Medicare System (TMS), a social health insurance programme of the Department of Health, seeking to improve public health and well-being of the Tibetan community in-exile (...)

Deputy Speaker of Tibetan Parliament in Exile Congratulates Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister-elect of New Zealand

mercredi 25 octobre 2017 par Tenzing Kunga — Flash Mobile, News Flash, Tibet, Tibetan Parliament in Exile, Tibetans
Dharamshala: Deputy speaker of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile, Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok yesterday on behalf of all Tibetans congratulated honorable Jacinda Ardern and her party for the impressive victory in the recent election of New Zealand. “I am confident that … (...)

Empowering Agricultural Development in Tibetan Agricultural Settlements

mercredi 25 octobre 2017 par Tenzing Kunga — Reports from CTA Offices
Dharamshala: Under the USAID program to support the Agriculture Development in Tibetan Agricultural settlements, the Agriculture Extension Officers (AEO) of 3 southern Tibetan settlements of Kollegal, Bylakuppe and Mundgod conducted training on specific topics and organised exposure visits for (...)

Cycle conférence SFEMT 2017 : 8 novembre Federica Venturi

mardi 24 octobre 2017 par admin — Conférences & événements SFEMT, Cycle de conférences SFEMT
La SFEMT a le plaisir d’annoncer, dans le cadre du Cycle conférence SFEMT 2017, la tenue de la conférence suivante : [...]

21st Century is the Century of Asia: CTA President at Conference on Tibet and China

mardi 24 octobre 2017 par Jamphel Shonu — Flash Mobile, News Flash, CTA President, Tibet policy institute
Dharamsala: The President of Central Tibetan Administration Dr Lobsang Sangay today opened a daylong conference titled ‘Tibet: A Global Common or a Bone of Contention’ at Nyatri hall, Gangchen Kyishong. The conference is jointly organised by the Tibet Policy Institute … (...)

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