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Health Department along with Delek Hospital meet Norbulingka authorities after 33 test positive

mercredi 22 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — Reports from CTA Offices
Dharamshala: On the occasion of Prime Minister Modi’s birthday on 17 September, a random COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test conducted by Delek Hospital at Yongling school and Norbulingka area revealed nine people to be Covid-positive followed by another eight people testing positive on 20 September at (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Congratulates Prime Minister Trudeau on Party Victory

mercredi 22 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Dharamshala: Following the Liberal Party’s victory in Canada’s national elections on Tuesday, 21 September, His Holiness the Dalai Lama wrote to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau congratulating him on his party’s victory in the national elections. His Holiness writes, “I appreciate the leadership you (...)

Many students from forcibly closed Tibetan schools can’t register at new schools

Sourced by Free Tibet. Non-local students left adrift without admission and teachers not allowed to shelter orphans. After the arrest of Rinchen Kyi, a dedicated teacher of the forcibly shut private Tibetan school of Sengdruk Taktse, Free Tibet received reports from its research partner Tibet (...)

Office of Tibet, Washington-DC’s Representative attends C3 Summit 2021 at Union League Club, New York

mercredi 22 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Washington-DC: Office of Tibet Representative Ngodup Tsering attended the C3 Summit held at the Union League Club, New York, on September 20, 2021, upon the invitation of Dame Muni, CEO and Founder of Art for Peace. Representative Tsering met with many diplomats and global healthcare leaders, (...)

Tibetan Representative Calls UN HRC and Mandate Holder to Assess Environmental Impact of Development on the Tibetan Plateau

mardi 21 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Geneva: A Tibetan representative called the UN to assess China’s top-down developmental policies and its impact on the Tibetan plateau at the ongoing 48th session of the UN Human Rights Council. The UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Development, Mr. Saad Alfaratgi presented his report during (...)

28th Tibetan Terminology meeting finalises over 725 standard terms

mardi 21 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — Reports from CTA Offices
Dharamshala: The Terminology Desk of the Department of Education, CTA has finalised over 725 standardised Tibetan terminology for applications in Administration, Law, Politics, Technology, and Environment during a six-day meeting of the High-Level Standardising Board held from 13-18 September. (...)

Eastern Tibet: Wave of arrests over language rights, Dalai Lama images

By International Campaign for Tibet. The International Campaign for Tibet is deeply concerned about reports of a wave of detentions in eastern Tibet. The detentions in Wonpo (Chinese:Wenbo) township in Sershul (Shiqu) County, Kardze (Ganzi) Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan province have (...)

Tibet Bureau Geneva testifies on human rights situation in Tibet

mardi 21 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash, CTA, Geneva, Human Rights, Human Rights in Tibet
Geneva: The Tibet Bureau in Geneva testified on the human rights situation in Tibet before the Swiss parliamentarians on Monday at the ongoing autumn session of the parliament. The Parliamentary Group on Human Rights, in cooperation with the Parliamentary Group for Tibet; Switzerland-China (...)

Public Service Commission wraps up Induction Training for new CTA staff

lundi 20 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Dharamshala: The Public Service Commission has successfully wrapped up its Induction Training for the 21 newly recruited staff of the Central Tibetan Administration on Saturday. The training was imparted to the staff who were recruited in the years 2020 and 2021. It was the first post covid (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama to speak on Happiness and Health for Sustainable Future

lundi 20 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Dharamshala: His Holiness the Dalai Lama will participate in a program titled Our Happiness, Our Health, Our Future: His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Reflections and Conversations on Our Happy, Healthy, and Sustainable Future on 22 September. After the short talk, His Holiness will address a (...)

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