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Representative Karma Singey Participates in Virtual Celebration of Sakya Gongma Trichen Rinpoche

mardi 7 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Canberra: Representative Karma Singey, Tibet Information Office, Canberra, participated in a virtual celebration of 76th birthday of Kyabje Sakya Gong-ma Trichen Rinpoche which was held on 6 September. The event was hosted by Sakya Losel Choe Dzong, Tibetan Buddhist Society based at Canberra. (...)

Parution de : Gongga Laoren (1903-1997): Her Role in the Spread of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan

lundi 6 septembre 2021 par admin — Autres actualités, Parutions
Fabienne Jagou (EFEO), annonce la parution de son dernier ouvrage : Gongga Laoren (1903-1997): Her Role in the Spread of [...]

Parution de : Gongga Laoren (1903-1997): Her Role in the Spread of Tibetan Buddhism in Taiwan

lundi 6 septembre 2021 par admin — Autres actualités, Parutions
Fabienne Jagou (EFEO), annonce la parution de son dernier ouvrage : Gongga Laoren (1903-1997): Her Role in the Spread of [...]

Induction training for 21 newly recruited CTA staff begins at Sarah College for Higher Tibetan Studies

lundi 6 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Dharamshala: The induction training for 21 newly recruited staff of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) convened today at College for Higher Tibetan Studies, Sarah. The 13-day long training was inaugurated by Chief Guest Wangdu Tsering Pesur, Chairman of the Public Service Commission (...)

Health Department Observes Nutritional Week with Healthy Veg Recipe Contest

lundi 6 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — Reports from CTA Offices
Dharamsala: For this year’s nutritional week observed every year from 1 – 7 September in India, the Health Education Desk of the Department of Health, Central Tibetan Administration, conducted “Healthy Veg-Recipe Contest to promote healthy recipes and healthier diets in the Tibetan community, and (...)

Sikyong Penpa Tsering Leaves Dharamshala on Official Visit to CTSA Schools

lundi 6 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Dharamshala: Sikyong Penpa Tsering of the Central Tibetan Administration left Dharamshala today for an official visit from 6 -14 September 2021. He will visit the CTSA schools based in Shimla, Herbertpur, Mussoorie, Darjeeling, and Kalimpong. He will also visit the Bon Tibetan settlement in (...)

“So long as Tibetan spirit is alive, China will be challenged,” says Representative Tashi Phuntsok on final day of Himalayan Festival in Paris

lundi 6 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Paris, France: The recent unprecedented arrest of over 100 Tibetans in Tibet’s Dza Wonpo for possessing photos of His Holiness the Dalai Lama was highlighted by Representative Tashi Phuntsok during a high profile round table meeting on the concluding day of the 20th Himalayan Festival in Paris (...)

Tibetans in Nepal Observe ‘Democracy Day’ Under Close Watch by Police

lundi 6 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — News From Other Sites
Reported by Lhuboom for RFA’s Tibetan Service. Translated by Tenzin Dickyi. Written in English by Richard Finney. Tibetans living in Nepal observed Tibet’s Democracy Day under close watch by local police who kept Tibetan gatherings out of the public eye for fear of offending Nepal’s powerful (...)

Human Rights Violations by China and CCP’s Influences operations in India

dimanche 5 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Geneva: The Tibet Bureau in Geneva joined a panel to discuss violations of human rights by China and CCP’s growing expansionist agenda in India and across the world. The virtual panel was jointly hosted by India based think tank- Law and Society Alliance and Defence Capital- in conjunction with (...)

Tibetans in Japan and South Korea celebrate Democracy Day online

dimanche 5 septembre 2021 par Staff Reporter — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Tokyo: Tibetans in Japan and South Korea, under the aegis of Tibet House Japan, celebrated the 61st anniversary of Tibetan Democracy Day on the 5th of September. Keeping in view the Coronavirus pandemic emergency going on in Tokyo, the occasion was celebrated virtually. A 15-minutes video (...)

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