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Conférence SFEMT jeudi 10 mars 2016 Robbie Barnett

Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier à une conférence du Cycle SFEMT le jeudi 10 mars 2016 à 17 h (précédée de notre Assemblée Générale annuelle à 16 h) : Robbie Barnett (Director, Modern Tibetan Studies Program ; Adjunct … Continuer la lecture (...)

Appel à candidature pour un contrat doctoral en études tibétaines à Poznan

mercredi 10 février 2016 par admin — Actualités, Postes et bourses
Appel à candidature pour un contrat doctoral en études tibétaines à Poznan (deadline 31 mars 2016), téléchargeable : ici

Corée : emploi en études tibétaines

mercredi 10 février 2016 par admin
Dongguk University – position in Tibetan Studies We are looking for a PhD or D.Phil specializing in the area of Tibetan Language and Esoteric Buddhism. This place has been held by Dr. Achim Bayer from Hamburg for 6 years. It … Continuer la lecture (...)

Parution : Comparative anthropology of Buddhist transactions: moving beyond the Maussian terminology of the ‘gift’

mercredi 10 février 2016 par admin
Parution de la première publication collective émergeant de la série d’ateliers « Anthropologie comparée du bouddhisme » : Sihlé, N. et B. Brac de la Perrière (eds.). 2015. Comparative anthropology of Buddhist transactions: moving beyond the Maussian terminology of the ‘gift’. Special issue … Continuer (...)

US Secretary of State John Kerry Extend Greetings on Losar

mercredi 10 février 2016 par jamphel — News Flash
DHARAMSHALA: US Secretary of State Mr John Kerry extended greetings to the people of Himalayan region including Tibet as they ushered in the Tibetan lunar new year – Year of the Fire Monkey 2143 – yesterday. “On behalf of President … (...)

Losar – Tibetan New Year Ceremony in Dharamshala

mardi 9 février 2016 par jamphel — Featured Flash News, News Flash
DHARAMSHALA: Monks of Namgyal monastery and officials of the Central Tibetan Administration including the Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament, members of the Kashag and Tibetan Justice Commissioners gathered early in the morning at Tsuglakhang on the first day of the … (...)

Highly prized ‘caterpillar fungus’ declared a danger to health by China’s food and drug administration

lundi 8 février 2016 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
South China Morning Post, 5 February 2016 Cordyceps, or caterpillar fungus, one of the most sought-after and expensive ingredients in traditional Chinese medicine, has been deemed a danger to human health by China’s main food and drug regulator, mainland media … (...)

Dolma asks Government of India to clear policy on Tibet

lundi 8 février 2016 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
Daily Excelsior, 6 February 2016 JAMMU, Feb 6: Fully agreeing with the general public opinion in the country as well as among the people of Tibet that Tibet is not the part of China but has been forcibly annexed by … Continued

His Holiness Expresses Condolences to the People of Taiwan

dimanche 7 février 2016 par jamphel — News Flash Rochester, Minnesota, USA, 6 February 2016 – In a letter to Taiwanese President Ma Ying-Jeou, His Holiness the Dalai Lama expressed his sadness on learning of the powerful earthquake that struck Tainan, Taiwan. He conveyed his heartfelt condolences to … (...)

Sikyong’s Greeting on Losar (Tibetan New Year)

samedi 6 février 2016 par jamphel — Featured Flash News, News Flash
Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay expressed fervent greetings to Tibetans inside and outside Tibet on the occasion of traditional Tibetan new year – Losar 2143 – the year of the fire monkey. The Tibetan new year begins from 9 – 11 … Continued

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