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Tibet: Letter to The Economist

samedi 22 mars 2014 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
[The Economist] A plea to China SIR – Following the tragic killing of 29 innocent people in Kunming, and the self immolation of 120 Tibetans in recent months, you pronounced that “the only way forward” is for China to show Uighurs and Tibetans “how they can live peacefully and prosperously together (...)

Tibetan Political Prisoner dies of torture

samedi 22 mars 2014 par jamphel — Flash News, Situation in Tibet, Situation in Tibet News
DHARAMSHALA: A brutally tortured Tibetan political prisoner died from grievous injuries sustained in prison, just a few months after being released from prison on medical grounds by Chinese authorities. Goshul Lobsang, 43, died on 19 March at his family home in Machu county in Kanlho Tibetan (...)

Human Rights Watch Criticises China’s rejection of UPR recommendations on Tibet

samedi 22 mars 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
DHARAMSHALA: Leading international rights group, the Human Rights Watch, has strongly criticised China for refusing to accept the recommendations to ease human rights situation during the 17th session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) last year. “In light of the March 14 death in Beijing of (...)

In China, Michelle Obama calls for universal rights

samedi 22 mars 2014 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
[USA Today] BEIJING – The U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama called on China Saturday to respect universal rights including freedom of expression and religion, and open access to information. Her week-long trip, focused on education, embraces pandas, ping-pong and people-to-people diplomacy, but she (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Gives Teachings in Indian Capital

samedi 22 mars 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
[Source:] New Delhi, India, 21 March 2014 – On behalf of the Foundation for Universal Responsibility, Rajiv Mehrotra welcomed His Holiness the Dalai Lama to a gathering of about 320 people in New Delhi today. He said they were blessed and honoured that he was with them again and (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Top 10 of Fortune’s ‘World’s Greatest Leaders’ List

vendredi 21 mars 2014 par jamphel — Featured Flash News, Flash News
DHARAMSHALA: Fortune, a leading world magazine, has chosen  Tibet’s spiritual leader for its list of world’s 50 greatest leaders, extolling his “more than five decades of tireless campaign for peace, nonviolence, democracy, and reconciliation, especially among world religions.” His Holiness the (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama opens new academic complex at Lady Shri Ram College

vendredi 21 mars 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
[DU beat/The Times of India] His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama visited Lady Shri Ram College of Women in New Delhi on 20 March. Talking about morality, ethics and the idea of a healthy inner-self, he spoke on “Success, Ethics and Happiness”. Initially scheduled to start at 12: 30, the spiritual (...)

Sinful to discriminate against leprosy patients: Dalai Lama

jeudi 20 mars 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
New Delhi, India, 20 March 2014 (PTI) – Even though India has achieved the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) elimination level for leprosy, the social stigma associated with the disease is still prevalent, Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama has said. “This is a physical condition like any other (...)

Tibetan Parliament passes resolution concerning Dolgyal

jeudi 20 mars 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
(Document no. 22/English Translation) Resolution Whereas, Since the time of the Fifth Dalai Lama, all the successive Dalai Lamas and many great masters have placed stringent restrictions on the propitiation of harmful spirit of Dolgyal for Tibet’s common spiritual and political interests. Like (...)

Kashag on Dholgyal : Desung Kalon Explains Shugden Issue

jeudi 20 mars 2014 par jamphel — Featured Flash News, Flash News
DHARAMSHALA: Kalon Ngodup Donchung of the Department of Security made a detailed explanation on Shugden issue during a discussion on a proposed resolution in the ongoing session of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile on 17 March.

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