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Sikyong opens Meeting of Tibetan Chamber of Commerce

mercredi 2 avril 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
DHARAMSHALA: Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay today opened the 9th annual general body meeting of the Tibetan Chamber of Commerce, the first association of Tibetan businessmen in exile. Over 80 members of the association from various parts of the world including India and Nepal are participating in (...)

A Merkel, a Map, a Message to China?

mercredi 2 avril 2014 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
[Foreign Policy] By Rachel Lu Another cartographic brouhaha. On March 28, German Chancellor Angela Merkel hosted visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping at a dinner where they exchanged gifts. Merkel presented to Xi a 1735 map of China made by prolific French cartographer Jean-Baptiste Bourguignon (...)

Top EU official calls for China-Tibet talks

mardi 1er avril 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
DHARAMSHALA: A top official of the European Union has reiterated call for dialogue to resolve the issue of Tibet as Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived Sunday in Belgium on his first day.  Mr Henri Malosse, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, also stressed the importance of (...)

China sentences Tibetan monk to 18 years in prison

mardi 1er avril 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
DHARAMSHALA: Thardoe Gyaltsen, the administrator of Drongna monastery in Driru county in Nagchu Prefecture in eastern Tibet (incorporated into Tibet Autonomous Prefecture) was sentenced to 18 years in prison for allegedly storing photos and speeches of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. A local court (...)

EU leaders urged to make strong statement on Tibet in Xi Jinping meeting

mardi 1er avril 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
BRUSSELS: A senior official of the European Parliament (EP) urged the leaders of the EU to express in strong terms concerns over the repression and human rights violations in Tibet during their meeting with visiting Chinese president. In a statement yesterday, MEP Thomas Mann, who is also the (...)

Tibetan medicine gaining world recognition: Sikyong

mardi 1er avril 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
DHARAMSHALA: Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay today addressed the 10th anniversary and national conference of the Central Council of Tibetan Medicine (CCTM) being held at the Tibetan Medical and Astrological Institute here. Over 350 Tibetan medicine practitioners from the four major institutes of (...)

Human Rights Watch documents repression of Tibetans in Nepal

mardi 1er avril 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
DHARAMSHALA: Human Rights Watch today released a 100-page report titled ‘Under China’s Shadow: Mistreatment of Tibetans in Nepal’ outlining the increasing restrictions imposed on Tibetans in Nepal as a result of strong pressure from China.   “The situation for the Tibetan refugee community in Nepal (...)

DoH announces low interest agricultural loan

lundi 31 mars 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
DHARAMSHALA:  The Department of Home of the Central Tibetan Administration announced new guidelines for financing agricultural loan to make Tibetan settlements sustainable, promote co-operative farming and self-reliance. The guideline was approved by the 14th Kashag on 28 February. In a circular (...)

His Holiness gives medicine Buddha empowerment

lundi 31 mars 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
[] His Holiness the Dalai Lama arrived promptly in the Theckchen Chöling Tsuglagkhang this morning to commence preparatory procedures for the Medicine Buddha empowerment he was to give. An eager crowd of Tibetans and people from abroad packed the temple area and the garden below. (...)

Tibetan Nun Self-immolates in Bathang

lundi 31 mars 2014 par jamphel — Flash News, Situation in Tibet, Situation in Tibet News
DHARAMSHALA: A Tibetan nun set herself on fire to protest against the Chinese government’s repressive policies in Tibet pushing the total self-immolation toll to 129. “A Tibetan nun self-immolated around 3 pm Saturday (29 March) while circumambulating the Ba Choede monastery in Bathang county in (...)

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