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Live Webcasts from Minneapolis and Washington DC

samedi 1er mars 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
[] There will be live webcasts of events with His Holiness the Dalai Lama from Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Washington DC on March 1-7, 2014. Times in Minneapolis, Minnesota are Central Standard Time (CST = GMT-6.00); times in Washington, DC are Eastern Standard Time (EST = (...)

Message from the Sikyong on Tibetan New Year

samedi 1er mars 2014 par jamphel — Featured Flash News, Media Center, Press Release
[First posted on 20 February 2014] Celebrate Losar but Remember Compatriots in Tibet   On the occasion of the 2141st Royal Tibetan Wood-Horse Losar, the Kashag extend its greetings to all Tibetans both inside Tibet and in exile.  As we celebrate Losar, it is important that we follow our religious (...)

Dam building in Tibet increasing earthquake risks

samedi 1er mars 2014 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
[] By Yunnan Chen An increase in the number and severity of earthquakes on the Tibetan plateau raises fresh concerns about dam building plans in the region The Tibetan plateau has experienced higher levels of seismic activity, according to reports over the past year, with (...)

The Dalai Lama and Tibetan Religious Freedom

vendredi 28 février 2014 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
By Bhuchung K Tsering On this day, February 27, in 2009, Tapey, a Tibetan monk, committed self-immolation in Tibet and since then 127 Tibetans have self-immolated in different parts of Tibet and China, with the common message of yearning for the return of their revered leader, His Holiness the (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Talks to Leaders of Silicon Valley on Importance of Tibetan Culture and Education

vendredi 28 février 2014 par jamphel — Featured Flash News, Flash News
San Jose, CA: In a meeting organised by the Global Leadership Incubator (GLI) organisation on 25 February, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay met with leaders of Silicon Valley to discuss how critical it is to preserve Tibetan culture and provide education to Tibetan (...)

Dalai Lama’s representative to raise Tibetan flag at the Guildhall in Northampton

vendredi 28 février 2014 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
[Northampton Newspaper] Written by NICHOLAS BIEBER The Dalai Lama’s representative will be in Northampton next week to raise the Tibetan flag. Thubten Samdup will join Mayor Les Marriott and Mayoress Lisa Marriott for the event at the Guildhall on Tuesday at midday. Caroline Scattergood, a Free (...)

His Holiness the Dalai Lama Meets with the Tibetan Community in LA

vendredi 28 février 2014 par jamphel — Featured Flash News, Flash News
[] Los Angeles, CA, USA, 27 February 2014 – After young children dressed in their Tibetan best had sung for him and Tenzin Dorjee, President of Tibetan Association of Southern California had expressed words of welcome, His Holiness the Dalai Lama addressed the Tibetans assembled (...)

US Government Reports Severe Repression in Tibet

vendredi 28 février 2014 par jamphel — Featured Flash News, Flash News
DHARAMSHALA: The US State Department in its annual human rights report released yesterday said the Chinese government engaged in severe human rights abuses in Tibet. US Secretary of State John Kerry released the report, titled ‘Annual Country Reports on Human Rights’, at the State Department. The (...)

Interview: Tibetan Parliamentarian attends Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy

vendredi 28 février 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
DHARAMSHALA: Dhardon Sharling, a member of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, attended the 6th Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy in Geneva on 25 February. The summit, held on the eve of the UN Human Rights Council’s annual session in March, shone spotlight on urgent human rights situations (...)

His Holiness speaks about meeting with Obama, Tibet and China

vendredi 28 février 2014 par jamphel — Flash News
[] Los Angeles, CA, USA, 26 February 2014 - Skies over Los Angeles were uncharacteristically grey with rain forecast for today or tomorrow as His Holiness the Dalai Lama drove to the Huffington Post studio this morning. Senior Editor Willow Bay talked to him in an interview that was (...)

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