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Political leaders must not compromise moral values for business interest

mardi 23 octobre 2012 par jamphel — Featured Flash News, Flash News
Prague, 22 October: Political leaders must not compromise moral values for business reasons, said Mr Martin Bursik, former Czech deputy prime minister. He said that the Czech government must act now and ask China to talk to the Tibetan people based on the Velvet Revolution’s principles. The (...)

NBC Interviews His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Self-immolation Tragedy in Tibet

mardi 23 octobre 2012 par jamphel — Featured Flash News, Flash News
His Holiness the Dalai Lama was interviewed by NBC’s Ann Curry during his October 2012 Visit to Syracuse, New York, USA. The interview was originally broadcast on 11 October. Excerpts: Ann Curry: More than sixty Tibetans have set themselves on fire in the three years, expressing a desire for (...)

Vacancy Announcement from Health Department (Correction)

mardi 23 octobre 2012 par jamphel — Announcements, Department of Health, Flash News
The Department of Health, Central Tibetan Administration, Dharamshala invites applications from eligible candidates for vacant posts of Dental Doctor, Dental Technician and Pharmacist for Hospitals in settlements. CRITERIA 1. Qualification: – BDS/MDS or Diploma in Dental Technician/Therapist and (...)

Tawang: A Dalai Lama dilemma

mardi 23 octobre 2012 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
Oct 20th 2012 | TAWANG  | The Economist This small region may one day thrust itself back into the headlines THE white-walled monastery above Tawang is an alluring spot. A tree-covered valley falls away to one side. Great peaks rise behind, marking the Chinese border. Prayer flags (...)

The Sino-Indian War: 50 Years Later, Will India and China Clash Again?

mardi 23 octobre 2012 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
By Ishaan Tharoor TIME The only major war in modern history fought between India and China ended almost as abruptly as it began. On Oct. 20, 1962, a multi-pronged Chinese offensive burst the glacial stillness of the Himalayas and overwhelmed India’s unprepared and ill-equipped defenses, (...)

International Community must act on escalating tragedy in Tibet

mardi 23 octobre 2012 par jamphel — News From Other Sites
Below is an English translation of Radio France Culture programme broadcast on Friday 19 October regarding self-immolations in Tibet. In case of any discrepancies, treat the French version as final and authoritative. With the arrival of autumn, the mountainous region in northern Tibet welcomes (...)

Resolution of Tibet Issue Crucial for Peaceful India-China Relations

lundi 22 octobre 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
Delhi: Core Group for Tibetan Cause, India, today organised a seminar entitled “50 years of Chinese Aggression against India and the Question of Tibet’ in New Delhi. In his opening address Dr. N.K. Trikha, convener of Core Group, said that the Chinese aggression of 1962 raises many questions of (...)

One More Tibetan Self-immolates to Protest China’s Repressive Rule

lundi 22 octobre 2012 par jamphel — Flash News, Situation in Tibet, Situation in Tibet News
DHARAMSHALA: Two days after Lhamo Kyab set himself on fire in Labrang, Dhondup, another Tibetan man self- immolated early this morning (22 October) near Labrang monastery in Sangchu county in north-eastern Tibet. Dhondup, in his 50s, set himself on fire and died on the spot. Photos of the (...)

We take inspiration from Prague Spring and Velvet Revolution

lundi 22 octobre 2012 par jamphel — Flash News
Prague, 20 October: “We take inspiration from Prague Spring, Charter 77, Civic Forum and Velvet Revolution,” said Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay at a public talk in Prague yesterday evening. He said Czech Republic is known as the country that fought against totalitarian and authoritarian regime for (...)

CTA appeals for global intervention to end crisis in Tibet as one more Tibetan self-immolates

dimanche 21 octobre 2012 par jamphel — Flash News, Media Center, Press Release, Situation in Tibet, Situation in Tibet News
DHARAMSHALA: The Central Tibetan Administration reiterates its deep sadness and serious concern over the grim situation in Tibet with the death of one another Tibetan due to self-immolation yesterday. Reports coming out of Tibet say Lhamo Kyab, 27, set himself on fire in Bora village in Sangchu (...)

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