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OoT-Taipei Hosts Ceremony for Transition of New Tibetan Association Executive Members & Celebrates U.S. Resolve Tibet Act

mardi 13 août 2024 par Dawa Tsering — Reports from CTA Offices
Taipei: The Office of Tibet in Taipei held a gathering to celebrate the U.S. enactment of the Resolve Tibet Act concurrently with the ceremony of taking over of charge by the newly elected executive members of the Tibetan Association of Taiwan on 11 August 2024. As part of the handing and (...)

Soil Health and Watershed Management Training for Agriculture Extension Officer of Tibetan Agricultural Settlements in India

mardi 13 août 2024 par Ngawang Tsepak — Reports from CTA Offices
Bylakuppe: Organic Research Camp and Training Centre, Unit of the Central Tibetan Relief Committee of His Holiness the Dalai Lama (CTRC), Department of Home, CTA had organised three days of Training on “The soil health and watershed management” at District Agriculture Training Centre (DATC), (...)

Education Department Conducts ‘Reading Skills Workshop’ for Primary Schools’ Heads & Tibetan Teachers at Bylakuppe

lundi 12 août 2024 par Dawa Tsering — Reports from CTA Offices
Bylakuppe: The Department of Education, Central Tibetan Administration, conducted a three-day Reading Skills Workshop for the Primary Schools’ Heads and Tibetan Teachers of the South-Zone at Sakya Guest House, Bylakuppe from 7 – 9 August, 2024. The trainer, Ven. Beri Palden Namgyal and Sonam (...)

China’s Anti-Religious-Freedom Policy: A Threat to World Peace and Stability

lundi 12 août 2024 par Ngawang Tsepak — News From Other Sites
An analysis of the brutal repression of religion in Tibet and beyond, based on the author’s panel speech at the July 22 Tokyo’s International Religious Freedom Summit Asia. -by Tsewang Gyalpo Arya Why is religion important and why do we need it? H.H. the Dalai Lama, a Tibetan spiritual leader and (...)

Core Group for Tibetan Cause – India (CGTC-I) Convenes Committee Meeting

lundi 12 août 2024 par Tenzin Choetso — Reports from CTA Offices
New Delhi: The Core Group for Tibetan Cause – India (CGTC-I) convened a committee meeting on Sunday at the Bureau of His Holiness The Dalai Lama in New Delhi on 11 August 2024. The meeting was facilitated by the India Tibet Coordination Office (ITCO) and focused primarily on the Core Group’s (...)

Sikyong Penpa Tsering Graces Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts’ Annual Culture Competition, Yarkyi

lundi 12 août 2024 par Dawa Tsering — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Dharamshala: The Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA) marked its 65th founding anniversary with the annual culture competition ‘Yarkyi’ at the institute’s main auditorium on 11 August 2024 in the gracious presence of Sikyong Penpa Tsering. The event featured two competing groups, Ngonpa and (...)

Education Department Announces Vacancies of Librarian, Art and Music Dance Teacher, PRT General & PPRT for the Sambhota Tibetan School Society

lundi 12 août 2024 par Tenzin Choetso — Announcements
Dharamshala: The Department of Education, Central Tibetan Administration, announces vacancies of Librarian, Art & Music dance teacher, PRT General and PPRT for the Sambhota Tibetan School Society on contractual basis. Interested candidates are requested to submit their CV to (...)

Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel Led Parliamentary Delegation Concludes Tibet Advocacy Campaign in Delhi

lundi 12 août 2024 par Dawa Tsering — News Flash
Dharamshala: Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel led Tibetan parliamentary delegation consisting of MP Atuk Tseten, MP Lopon Thupten Gyaltsen, MP Tsanetsang Dhondup Tashi, MP Geshe Ngaba Gangri, MP Geshe Atong Rinchen Gyaltsen, and MP Tsering Yangchen successfully concluded their official Tibet (...)

Department of Education Initiates the Free Distribution of Storybooks

dimanche 11 août 2024 par Tenzin Choetso — Reports from CTA Offices
Dharamshala: The Department of Education (DoE), Central Tibetan Administration initiated the free distribution of storybooks published between 2023 and 2024. The Education Department aimed particularly on enhancing the reading proficiency of students in Tibetan schools throughout India. Each (...)

Kalon Dolma Gyari Receives Long Time Tibet Supporter Shri Dr Indresh Kumar in Dharamshala

vendredi 9 août 2024 par Tenzin Jigme — Flash Mobile, News Flash
Dharamshala: On 8 August 2024, Kalon (Minister) Dolma Gyari of the Department of Security received Senior RSS leader Dr. Indresh Kumar ji at the Kangra Airport, along with the Tibetan Settlement Officer Kunchok Migmar and local dignitaries. Shri Dr. Indresh Kumar as chief guest was awarded the (...)

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